Benoit Costil, next opponent of the Girondins de Bordeaux in Ligue 2?

Benoit Costil, next opponent of the Girondins de Bordeaux in Ligue 2?
Benoit Costil, next opponent of the Girondins de Bordeaux in Ligue 2?

The former goalkeeper and captain of the Girondins de Bordeaux,
Benoit Costilconfided at the beginning of June, to Ouest-France, that he did not know exactly if he was going to continue his career after his time in Italy. “I’m not forbidding myself anything and I don’t yet know if I want to stop completely or if I can start again on a new project. What is certain is that I am leaving Salernitana where I played this season. There have been Auxerre, Lille and Salernitana over the last three seasons and I need to settle down. I recently returned to live in Carnac and it will be my home from now on”.

In the meantime, we learned that the goalkeeper was taking on responsibilities at Vannes, a club through which he passed, in particular by taking on a role “at the event level”.

Today, in the Breton press and once again in West France, we learn that he “would grow” to join FC Lorient, dropped to Ligue 2 at the end of last season. “Benoit Costil would be interested in the idea of ​​joining the FCL. Having returned to settle permanently in the department, in Carnac, the man who became secretary of his former club, Vannes OC, could offer himself one last challenge, close to home. He had already almost signed for Lorient two years ago”
specifies the media.

Obviously, its proximity to Laurent Koscielny, who became an actor within the Merlus sports management, is no stranger to this. They played together in the French team and of course… with the Girondins de Bordeaux.



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