Colorful and lively: the Grätzel art days in Hernals

Colorful and lively: the Grätzel art days in Hernals
Colorful and lively: the Grätzel art days in Hernals
District head Peter Jagsch and MP Mössmer-Cattalini had themselves immortalized in front of the Schafberg transformer system, creatively painted by artist Manuel Skirl (Image: BV Hernals).

During the Grätzel.Kunst.Tage, Dornbacher Straße was transformed into a lively art street that was worth a detour.

This year Grätzel.Art.Days took place from June 14 to 16 in Dornbach. Thanks to the financial support of the municipality and the commitment of Christine Ruckenbauer, this event was once again a complete success. During the event, Dornbacher Straße was transformed into a lively art street for three days. Visitors had the opportunity to tour open studios, take part in exciting workshops and relax at open-air concerts.

Sculptures and paintings

The graffiti artists showed off their skills in impressive live paintings, which were particularly well received by the young visitors. THE “artée”, a creative meeting place and sculptors’ workshop, provided the ideal setting for the opening ceremony. Impressive sculptures and paintings are created here, which reflect the artistic diversity and skill of sculptor Reinhard Winter.

Art market at Josef Kaderka Park

A highlight was the large art market in Josef Kaderka Park, where local artists presented their works. Here you can purchase unique works of art and speak directly to the creators. Numerous stands took care of the physical well-being of visitors and seduced them with numerous culinary specialties. The “heroine of Hernals”, Christine Ruckenbauer, one of the driving forces behind the organization of the Grätzel.Kunst.Tage, highlighted the importance of this event for the local art scene and community cohesion.

District head Jagsch with organizer Christine Ruckenbauer and Reinhard Winter from “ateum” (Image: BV Hernals).



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