REM and metro | Bikes and dogs allowed at all times this summer

REM and metro | Bikes and dogs allowed at all times this summer
REM and metro | Bikes and dogs allowed at all times this summer

Like those of the Montreal metro, who have been able to do so since May 20, users of the Réseau express métropolitain (REM) will be able to bring their bike and walk their dog on the train at any time starting this Monday.

Published at 11:06 a.m.

For two months this summer, until August 18, there will be no more restrictions on the timetables to be respected, the light rail manager, CDPQ Infra, indicated on Friday. A similar exercise was held last summer after the opening on July 31, but lasting only a few weeks.

Since then, bicycles and dogs were no longer allowed during rush hour, from 7 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and from 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays.

The maximum capacity rule – namely two bicycles per car – however remains. The minimum age for transporting a bicycle in the REM also remains 14 years old. And as in the metro, the Caisse de dépôt reserves the right to lift this authorization continuously during major events generating significant traffic.

As for dogs, wearing a muzzle will be compulsory and you will have to “keep the animal firmly on a leash”, with a maximum length of 1.25 meters, in other words 49 inches, between your hand and the tether. Only one dog will be allowed per passenger, and the latter will not be able to have it sit on a seat or bench.

Please note, however, that “certain access to the network is in buildings that do not belong to the REM,” recalled the Caisse. “It is therefore possible that the owners of these buildings will allow pet dogs in their building in certain areas only. If you plan to use one of these accesses, find out before you show up. »

In the Montreal metro, the pilot project allowing customers to bring their bike and their dog more often in the metro had already been relaunched on May 20.

The rules are essentially the same as those explained above. Normally, bicycles and dogs are also not allowed on the metro during rush hour.

However, the Société de transport de Montréal (STM) asks its users to “avoid the first car of the train, which will be dedicated to school groups, daycares and people with functional limitations” throughout the summer season.



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