EVENING FACT Nadia El Okki, Renaissance candidate for the 4th constituency, presents the presidential report and advocates a “peaceful France”

A civil servant at the town hall of Alès where she is a referent for secularism, Nadia El Okki was first deputy in Saint-Martin-de-Valgégales and is currently an opposition municipal councilor in the same municipality. Candidate for the next early legislative elections, she is running in the 4th constituency of Gard under the Renaissance (Together) label.

“We must give this Attal government a chance, we are not nearly three years away.” Defending the presidential record, strengthening the voice of the President of the Republic in the territory and preventing the National Rally from gaining power, these are the leitmotifs of Nadia El Okki who is running for the very first time in the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7.

“I love politics and I will always do it”

Born in Alès, Nadia El Okki held the position of first deputy at the town hall of Saint-Martin-de-Valgégales for thirteen years, from 2001 to 2014. She also served as vice-president of the Agglomeration of Alès under the presidency of Max Roustan. After retiring from the political scene for a while, a few years ago she joined the presidential majority, formerly “En Marche”, to support Emmanuel Macron throughout his successive mandates. Despite her attachment to politics, she had initially ruled out any ambition to run for elected office: “I love politics and I will continue to be involved in it, but I had no intention of running at all.”

Nadia El Okki, when she was a candidate for mayor of Saint-Martin-de-Valgégales, in 2020. • Photo Tony Duret

Following the dissolution of the National Assembly on June 9, following the European elections, Nadia El Okki found herself in the spotlight. Faced with the rise in power of the National Rally, she described her decision to run in the early legislative elections as an “act of resistance”. Despite the short time of two weeks to carry out her campaign, she became aware of the major issues by comparing the programs of the RN and the New Popular Front: “I realized that their policies could plunge France into a financial abyss, threatening our pensions and the stability of public services. What worries me most is the risk of deep division within French society , with tensions between fellow citizens exacerbated by the results of these elections.”

“I want to be able to say that I was there, that I fought. I don’t just want to be present; I also want to defend the positive points of the government. I want to be an actress, I want to bring what I am.”

Nadia El Okki, Renaissance candidate (Together) in the 4th constituency

Driven by these various motivations, Nadia El Okki decided to run in the 4th constituency of Gard, supported mainly by Valérie Rouverand, president of Renaissance Gard. She suggested that this candidacy also benefited from support potentially coming from Gabriel Attal, the Prime Minister, while adding with a touch of irony: “If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me“.

A seven-year record to defend

In 2017, the year marked by the accession of Emmanuel Macron to the presidency of the Republic, Nadia El Okki expressed her support for this new political movement and its leader. Previously having affiliations with the centrist left, the Socialist Party and the moderate right, the elected representative of Saint-Martin-de-Valgégales was seduced by the former minister of the economy of François Hollande, due to “his ambition for the success of France”. Since then, Emmanuel Macron has continued to lead the country until today, a period of seven years marked by numerous conflicts with the population. On this subject, Nadia El Okki admits that “everything was not perfect” : “I am aware of the problems of purchasing power and security, but we must continue our work with a calm and realistic government like the one proposed by Attal. I think it is necessary to give this government one last chance.”

“With Gabriel Attal, whom I find competent, the country was on the road to recovery. An economic recovery surely too slow for the French, but in any case underway. This is why, for my part, I want to continue in this momentum and avoid ending up with programs and promises that can never be kept.”

Nadia El Okki, Renaissance candidate (Together) in the 4th constituency

Close to the socialists and socio-democrats, an affiliation that she fully claims, Nadia El Okki initially targeted, in her first campaign documents, left-wing voters who do not recognize themselves in Jean-Luc Mélenchon. She expresses a certain reserve towards La France Insoumise and its leader, emphasizing: “Carrying out purges within your own party when you are not yet in power does not demonstrate great democracy.”

Nadia El Okki, this Tuesday. • Photo Louis Valat

Purchasing power, secularism, education, ecology… its program in a few lines

The candidate of the presidential party for the 4th constituency of Gard presents a program around several axes, illustrated by examples. In terms of purchasing power, it notably proposes an improvement in the activity bonus, a significant reduction in electricity bills by 15%, as well as a reduction in the cost of going back to school to reduce family budgets. Regarding secularism, she defends an approach that guarantees religious freedom while avoiding secularism perceived as oppressive. She states: “Secularism must guarantee freedom for all believers, I reject any form of punitive secularism.”

“I want this Attal government to succeed. I will fight for my convictions, I will not sell my soul to the devil. I am not fighting for a position; if I feel that the promises are not kept, I will not stay. “

Nadia El Okki, Renaissance candidate (Together) in the 4th constituency

In the field of education, the former teaching assistant at Saint-Martin de Valgégales places emphasis on the fight against school bullying, by proposing awareness-raising and support measures for students. She also highlights the importance of detecting signs of discomfort in children early to prevent school dropout. Concerning ecology, she supports the extension of “Social Leasing” aimed at making 100,000 electric vehicles accessible at 100 euros per month to less well-off households, an initiative promoted a few hours ago by Gabriel Attal.

“For three decades, promises have been made without being kept. If I am elected, my priority will be to accelerate the issue of purchasing power and to actively work to resolve this violence which is developing in our country. I refuse to make promises that we won’t keep.”

Nadia El Okki, Renaissance candidate (Together) in the 4th constituency

Finally, Nadia El Okki also addresses the issue of immigration by stating: “I am not for national preference, but I am for the preference of the one who works. I believe that it is only the work that counts. The one who works, we do not have to criticize his nationality or its origins.” For her, effective integration is essential to ensure security and social cohesion, while respecting the principles of solidarity and mutual respect. Ultimately, candidate Nadia El Okki defends a vision centered on “preservation of social peace”.

The substitute

Nadia El Okki appointed Philippe Maçon, doctor in Pont-Saint-Esprit, as her deputy, emphasizing his “active involvement” in social life.



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