The alliance with Aubervilliers (re) presented between elected officials

The alliance with Aubervilliers (re) presented between elected officials
The alliance with Aubervilliers (re) presented between elected officials

MUNICIPAL COUNCIL. Municipal elected officials met on Thursday June 20 at town hall for the last council meeting of the school year. They approved the land alliance between the City, Aubervilliers and Grand Paris Aménagement, for the construction of new housing.

At 5:57 p.m., three minutes before the start of the session, the rows of the council room at city hall appeared very empty, Thursday June 20 at the end of the day. It seems that the elected officials were not really motivated for the last plenary session of the 2023-2024 school year. And yet, many arrived in groups and the council started well, quickly, at 6:03 p.m.

Tribute to Kader Hammadi

After the call, Mayor Quentin Brière first paid tribute to municipal councilor Kader Hammadi, who died on May 30, 2024. A minute of silence was observed in tribute to this “tireless worker for our city”, the mayor said, who reiterated all the support of the municipality to his family.

Two deliberations later, the name of his successor was given: it was Souleymane Diawara, in the order of the list of people involved with the mayor at the time of his campaign for the municipal elections. Absent on Thursday, the person concerned was unanimously elected by his new colleagues. “We officially declare his election, we will welcome him to the next council,” said Quentin Brière.

After some technical deliberations, on the report of the previous session (we will come back to this), finances and land affairs, the mayor returned to the “land twinning” undertaken between the City, that of Aubervilliers and Grand Paris Aménagement . If this land alliance, as the mayor also calls it, was signed in Paris on Friday May 31 (daily jhm of June 1), this also had to go through the council, which therefore approved “the commitment for the benefit of a new housing operation” as stipulated in the deliberation.

Coming out of the ground “rather in 2027”

As a reminder, it is at the Malterie that the fifty apartments must emerge from the ground “rather in 2027” indicated the first magistrate, after recalling the stages of the calendar: “In ten days, we will launch the consultation to find a promoter, there are three who have come forward. In September-October, we will select it with GPA and Aubervilliers, for the building permit in the first quarter of 2025.”

In opposition, if Pascale Krebs asked technical questions, Jean Luc Bouzon expressed doubts about the contract: “Be careful, there are laws, it must not be risky, it should not be like the Lock “, tickled the elected communist, Quentin Brière, cutting short any suspicion: “The twinning that we make is with GPA. We are in the best hands. The city of Aubervilliers verified everything, GPA verified everything, we, with our lawyers, verified everything. This is an opportunity for Saint-Dizier, we have every interest in trying it. »

Continuation of the council report in our June 22 edition.

N. F.

[email protected]



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