Lyon: a man lynched in the street with a baseball bat for a trivial reason

Lyon: a man lynched in the street with a baseball bat for a trivial reason
Lyon: a man lynched in the street with a baseball bat for a trivial reason


Julien Damboise

Published on

June 19, 2024 at 3:02 p.m.

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INFO - LYON. Around 7:30 p.m., this Tuesday, June 18, 2024, a outbreak of violence occurred in the 3rd arrondissement of Lyon. According to our information, a forty-year-old was beaten uppresumably after a dispute with children.

The victim was treated by emergency services and transported to hospital.

A suspect was arrested by the BAC.

A lynching

According to a source close to the case, it all started with a spat between a 46-year-old man and children who threw water bombs in the Dauphiné – Sans-Souci district, on the rue des Cadets de la France libre side.

Following this argument, three individuals attacked the forty-year-old of Georgian nationality, hitting him with incredible violence.

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The victim indeed received numerous hits with a baseball bat before collapsing, unconscious. Despite this, the alleged attackers continued to strike before finally fleeing, stealing a cell phone.

Transport to hospital

Quickly informed, the firefighters took care of the man lying on the ground a few steps from the T3 tram tracks.

Suffering in particular from hand fractures, the latter was transported to Édouard Herriot hospital, in the 3rd arrondissement of Lyon. His vital prognosis was then not in jeopardy.

BAC arrests suspect

At the same time, police officers from the anti-crime brigade (BAC) urgently went to the site to try to find the perpetrators on the run.

Later in the evening, one of them was arrested and taken into custody. He would be minor according to a police source.

The baseball bat was also found and seized by law enforcement.

A investigation has been opened to clarify what exactly happened in this reputedly quiet district of the capital of Gaul. Investigations are underway.

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