Lausanne: lively debate on the salaries of taxi drivers

Low salaries of drivers ignite the debate in Lausanne

Published today at 07:00

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In Lausanne, employee taxi drivers can earn on average 2,000 francs per month for full-time work for a transport company. Our recent revelations about these miserable working conditions caused the Municipal Council to react last week. Lively, the debate allowed each camp to unanimously denounce “unacceptable”, “intolerable” income. As for the solutions, opinions differ following a classic left-right opposition.

It was an urgent question from Johann Dupuis, member of Ensemble à Gauche (EàG), who lit the fuse. At the podium, the elected official recalled that companies accused of poor salary treatment are authorized by the City, which can therefore, in the event of misconduct, withdraw their concession. The elected official accused the Municipality of laxity. While it already has regulations to ensure order.

Pirate taxis

Valentin Christe (UDC) targeted the size of a market which is gradually decreasing. It thus approves the policy of the Intercommunal Taxi Service which gradually reduces the number of concessionaires to guarantee a decent income for each professional. The socialist Caroline Devallonné Dinbali – who shares this analysis – adds that, to guarantee these amounts, it is also necessary to strengthen the hunt for pirate taxis.

For PLR Henri Klunge, this discussion has no place. In fact, the tools to ensure a suitable salary (collective agreement, minimum income) are not within municipal competence. But indeed federal and cantonal, thus returning the ball, among others, to the camp of the State Councilor in charge of the Economy, Isabelle Moret.


In the end, the left-wing majority of the Municipal Council approved the resolutions of EàG and the PS. By recommending to the municipal authority responsible for taxis, Pierre-Antoine Hildbrand, an inventory of salaries in Lausanne, the strengthening of controls and, if necessary, the withdrawal of the concession. The latter took note of it.


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Dominique Botti is a journalist for the Vaud section of 24 Heures, specializing in field investigations, news items and legal news.More informations @dominiquebotti

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