Occitan gatherings roam the department

Occitan gatherings roam the department
Occitan gatherings roam the department

With more than 6,400 children educated bilingually, or 32% of the population, Aveyron is an excellent student in this area. A fertile land open to the language of the ancestors. In the world. In its desire to reach out to others, to encounter, through language, through words, the departmental association for the transmission and promotion of Occitan (Adoc 12) in Aveyron is organizing Occitan gatherings at the end of school year to combine business with pleasure, to show a trace of their learning through entertainment.

4,100 students and a play

For this ritual, no less than 4,100 children from 112 schools roam the department, celebrating the end of the year and offering at each gathering the play “Lo Boçut” by the Occitan interregional theater. “It’s remarkable what’s happening in Aveyron where there is momentum. It’s a cutting-edge department where half of the municipalities participate financially”rejoices Jean-Louis Blenet, president of the Calandreta Confederation which recently organized its biennial congress in Espalion.

No less than sixteen gathering places are organized. It is still possible to meet them and attend the play this Thursday June 20 in Vezins, June 21 in Laissac, June 24 in Bruéjouls, June 25 in Campuac, June 27 in Agen-d’Aveyron and the June 28 in Gabriac.



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