Legislative elections 2024 – Candidacy of Philippe Poutou for the Carcassonne constituency: the mayor of Trèbes Eric Menassi expresses “his great anger”

Legislative elections 2024 – Candidacy of Philippe Poutou for the Carcassonne constituency: the mayor of Trèbes Eric Menassi expresses “his great anger”
Legislative elections 2024 – Candidacy of Philippe Poutou for the Carcassonne constituency: the mayor of Trèbes Eric Menassi expresses “his great anger”

Invested by the Popular Front in the first constituency of Aude, Philippe Poutou is not unanimous. For several days, several left-wing elected officials have criticized this choice. The latest: the mayor of Trèbes Eric Menassi who says he is indignant that the NPA leader, a party targeted by an investigation for advocating terrorism after his “support for the Palestinians and the means of struggle that they have chosen to resist” aftermath of the massacres committed by Hamas in Israel.

He will not welcome Philippe Poutou with open arms, far from it. The candidacy of the leader of the New Anti-Capitalist Party for the first constituency of Aude, invested by the Popular Front, continues to arouse criticism on the left.

First magistrate of Trèbes and president of the association of mayors of Aude, Eric Menassi, distanced himself from this inauguration, like the socialist president of the Department of Aude, Hélène Sandragné and the president PS from the agglomeration of Carcassonne, Régis Banquet.

Among our colleagues at Sud Radio, Eric Menassi admitted his “misunderstanding about this airdrop”her “great anger” And “outrage” in this town devastated in March 2018 by Islamist attacks which left 4 dead, including gendarmerie lieutenant-colonel Arnaud Beltrame. While the NPA is the target of an investigation for advocating terrorism for having supported Hamas, responsible for the massacre of 1,200 civilians and soldiers in Israel, this choice in this land of Aude does not pass for the chosen one.

It is an insult to the memory of the victims

“The left is not that. It is not hatred of the cops, it is not hatred of the republican order. Our responsibility is not to choose a party like the National Front against the National Front. NPA which advocates hatred of cops The symbol is heavy here in Trèbes. How can we deliberately accept to parachute a party which advocates this hatred? recalled Eric Menassi.

The mayor of Trèbes called Philippe Poutou “to meditate in front of the stele which is erected in front of the town hall, in front of these four names who lost their lives on March 23, 2018. Let them reflect with their supporters on what happened so that they have a little more of decency”.

Finally, he called the voters of the constituency in the first round “to come together behind a candidate, namely Aurélien Turchetto who represents the republican and secular left and who allows us in the second round not to choose between the extremes and to make a republican choice”.

Contacted this Tuesday, June 18 by L’Indépendant, Eric Menassi confirms that he considers the choice of nomination given to Philippe Poutou to be inexplicable. “It is an insult to the memory of the victims of March 23, 2018. We cannot have unity with these people, it is not even up for discussion.”



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