Vendée: a septuagenarian tried for sexual assault after leaving a senior citizens club

Vendée: a septuagenarian tried for sexual assault after leaving a senior citizens club
Vendée: a septuagenarian tried for sexual assault after leaving a senior citizens club


Les Sables editorial team

Published on

June 18, 2024 at 6:23 p.m.

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A man of 78 years old, accused of sexual assault, had to go to a criminal hearing “to be able to explain himself before the magistrates”. As he did not go there, the matter was therefore judged in criminal hearing on May 16 at the Sables-d’Olonne court.

In May 2023, a woman filed a complaint against this man. He had asked him at the end of the day to take him home after a card game at the town’s senior citizens’ club. According to her, in his vehicle, he “took her hand twice to put it on his fly.”


During the hearing, the man refuted this accusation:

“I talked to her, I just put my hand on her knee, took it away immediately and apologized. »

During the hearing, the complainant’s attitude changed:

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“I have nothing against this gentleman, he simply reached out his hand towards me, I pushed it away. »

She added: “I am not impacted by this gesture.” The public prosecutor questioned the veracity of this lady’s version about which her lawyer spoke of a “bipolar” person.

The acquittal requested by the public prosecutor was pronounced Thursday June 13 during the rendering of the deliberations.

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