In Bruz, the Jacques Prévert school group evacuated due to a gas leak

In Bruz, the Jacques Prévert school group evacuated due to a gas leak
In Bruz, the Jacques Prévert school group evacuated due to a gas leak

At lunchtime, between 12:30 p.m. and 1 p.m., a smell of gas was felt at the restaurant of the Jacques Prévert school group, in Bruz (Ille-et-Vilaine).

The safety plan was immediately triggered, leading to the immediate evacuation of all students, approximately 350 children. Elementary classes were hosted at the Vau Gaillard space and nursery schools at the children’s house. Clothes, school bags, comforters… remained in the establishment. The adults having lunch in the third course had their meal at the Vau Gaillard space. Using an application on the phone, parents were invited to quickly pick up their children. Those attending after-school remained at the children’s home.

This structure will also welcome them on Wednesday as part of the leisure center for those who are usually received at the Jacques Prévert school group. Teachers were able to return to classes for a quarter to collect their personal belongings and those of their students, particularly cuddly toys for the little ones.

Gaz de France, the firefighters and the city’s technical services detected the origin of the incident. This is a gas leak from a boiler caused by a defective seal at the collector. The repair was carried out on Tuesday afternoon. The maintenance company will take the opportunity to overhaul the entire system this Wednesday. The children will return to school on Thursday.



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