Elsa Bougeard and Philippe Canceil of the New Popular Front call for mobilization “to change life” – Medialot

The candidates will hold a public meeting in Bélaye this June 20.

The candidates of the New Popular Front for the 2024 legislative elections, in the 1st constituency, Elsa Bougeard, and her deputy Philippe Canceil, held a press conference on June 17. “I am delighted to work with Elsa. She is remarkable, she masters the files. I am proud to carry the ideas of the Popular Front” underlined the former mayor of Labastide-du-Vert and defender of rural schools. “We have a unique opportunity with a united left to put in place a program that breaks with the policy pursued for 30 years. From July, it will make it possible to change people’s lives: increase in wages by protecting artisans, farmers, etc., repeal of the pension reform, reconstruction of schools, public hospitals, ecological planning, Sixth Republic, etc. is in concrete proposals” recalled the candidate before mentioning the other candidates: “We have Macron’s candidate. The French have seen the results of his policy. We have Aurélien Pradié. In the 7 years since he has been elected, what has improved in the lives of the Lotois? We ask that he come and debate, that he defend his ideas. Being a native of the country is not enough. The RN voted against the salary increase, against the ISF. He is for retirement at 65. The RN vote is a social scam. » And to send a message: Our campaign will be positive, festive. Popular circles and young people must mobilize for this light. »

> A public meeting will take place this June 20, at 8:30 p.m. at the Bélaye village hall. The candidates will also be at the Gourdon market this Saturday and in Montcuq, on June 26, at 7 p.m., on the promenade.



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