2024 legislative elections: start of the first round electoral campaign this Monday, June 17

2024 legislative elections: start of the first round electoral campaign this Monday, June 17
2024 legislative elections: start of the first round electoral campaign this Monday, June 17

Let’s go for 10 days of electoral campaign as part of the first round of the early legislative elections. In Guyana, this period will end on June 27, two days before the first vote. We detail what this involves.

The electoral campaign is the period during which candidates present their programs, communicate and bring together their supporters. It is from June 17, from midnight, to June 27, until midnight.

The objective of the candidates for deputy is to try to win votes for D-Day. In Guyana, it will be June 29 for the first round and July 7 for the second. 10 candidates are running in total (five in each constituency).

They must communicate and print their official electoral propaganda (poster, professions of faith, ballot papers). From June 19, these elements should also be available on the website https://programme-candidats.interieur.gouv.fr/.

During the campaign, candidates and different parties must also have access to our antennas for the campaignin the conditions set by the Audiovisual Communication Regulatory Authority (Arcom).

This includes in particular the rule of fairness of speaking time. Moreover, as indicated Public Lifethe presidents of the parliamentary groups of the dissolved National Assembly have a broadcast duration of two hours in proportion to the number of deputies.

Also, the day before and the day of the election (i.e. the 28th and 29th in Guyana) the distribution of leaflets, telephone calls, electoral meetings and polls are prohibited.

The use of the“X premium” subscription (the verification badge, formerly “Twitter Blue”) is prohibited. Since it increases visibility, it is considered a mode of advertising sponsorshipwhich is prohibited for electoral propaganda purposes.

Only advertising to solicit donations is permitted. Postings relating to the election are prohibited outside the area reserved for candidates.



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