2024, the year of growth for the Lainamac association in Creuse

2024, the year of growth for the Lainamac association in Creuse
2024, the year of growth for the Lainamac association in Creuse

Gathered in a general assembly in Aubusson (Creuse) around its president Jory Pradelle and its director Géraldine Cauchy, the Lainamac association discussed its initiatives to promote the sector.

The Lainamac association

met on Friday in a general assembly under the chairmanship of Jory Pradelle. This meeting was held, not in Felletin like in other years, but at the Cité de la Tapisserie in Aubusson (Creuse). Indeed, Lainamac now operates in Felletin (administrative headquarters, LMB training workshops) and also in Aubusson (Villa Châteaufavier). The general meeting took place at the end of a particularly busy but also pivotal year 2023.

A wool cluster in New Aquitaine

Géraldine Cauchy, the director of Lainamac, who had at her side Jory Pradelle and Julien Trolong, the new training advisor (replacing Mélusine Flamant) of course looked back on the past year, in front of an audience composed mainly of professional members from the Association. She focused on the functioning of Lainamac (seven permanent employees) and on the main initiatives.
President Jory Pradelle in the center with, on the right, Géraldine Cauchy and Julien Trolong.

The new Nouvelle-Aquitaine wool cluster aims to bring together professionals across the greater region, while identifying partners and organizing meetings.

The GI (Geographical Indication) label has played its role well (14 certified operators, 160 labeled tapestries and around fifty rugs).

Lainamac exhibits wool material in Paris (October 2023)

The director highlighted the success of Oh my wool!, a business acceleration program aimed at consolidating economic models and promoting French wool, the showcase of which is participation in Paris Design week in Paris.


Lainamac has positioned itself, with the Cité de la Tapisserie and partners, in the national “Proximity Manufacturing” project, while deploying workshops in Villa Châteaufavier equipped with semi-industrial machines for prototyping and small series.

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Projects that will continue

The year 2024 naturally extends 2023 with an economic development plan supported by the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation (Prix for the intelligence of the hand), the creation of a place of residence and textile creation, the deployment of the lanathèque platform, etc.

Training remains an essential focus with 1,800 hours for 2,128 scheduled. Added to this is the reorganization of masterclasses in connection with Villa Châteaufavier, the development of training on external sites, the submission of the weaving certificate to the Specific Directory of Certifications and the increase in skills of the certifying body, etc.

At the end of the general meeting, the board of directors and the office remain unchanged.

Created in 2009 in Felletin, the Lainamac association intends to structure, promote and develop a lively, creative and designer wool sector by relying on the development of its stakeholders in Nouvelle-Aquitaine and the Massif Central.



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