Relatives of mentally ill people can claim compensation

Relatives of mentally ill people can claim compensation
Relatives of mentally ill people can claim compensation

While the debate on health costs and the impact on health premiums has become central, a recent decision by the Federal Court (TF) complicates the situation even further. The highest legal body in the country has ruled in favor of a mother who takes full-time care of her son affected, among other things, by autism spectrum disorders.

She demanded compensation of 15,000 francs per month from health insurance for having had to care for her child seven days a week, nine hours a day, the “SonntagsZeitung” revealed on Sunday. The TF does not decide on the amount to be paid – the 15,000 francs. are undoubtedly not realistic – but it supports the principle of financial assistance payable by health insurance companies for basic care provided by relatives of people suffering from a mental illness (see box).

Several specialists believe that this decision risks leading to an explosion in health costs in Switzerland. “Court decisions are becoming more and more absurd,” reacted UDC national councilor Martina Bircher. His party colleague, Diana Gutjahr, believes that people suffering from a mental illness “do not need permanent care, as is the case for severe physical infirmities”.

The elected official adds that everyone must do their part to reduce costs, that families have “the duty to take care of each other”. Ecologist Manuela Weichelt does not comment on the amounts to be paid, but recalls that the aging of the population and the shortage of nursing staff will lead to an ever more important role in the care of patients by relatives. The members of the Socialist Party contacted on Sunday say they want to look into this case in more detail before taking a position.

Expanded legal limits

In the event of mental illness, caregivers can already obtain compensation for specific tasks such as meal assistance. But the decision of the Federal Court broadens the possibilities for accompaniment and support for patients. If compensation for basic care for relatives of people suffering from physical illnesses is clearly regulated in the law, particularly with regard to their duration, this is no longer the case for mental illnesses.



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