Cahors: the 53rd congress of the CGT du Lot was the opportunity for a “democratic renewal”

Cahors: the 53rd congress of the CGT du Lot was the opportunity for a “democratic renewal”
Cahors: the 53rd congress of the CGT du Lot was the opportunity for a “democratic renewal”

In a turbulent political context with the rise in power of the far right and the dissolution of the National Assembly by Emmanuel Macron, the 53rd congress of the CGT departmental union of Lot (UD CGT 46) comes at the right time. “The congress was dynamic and rich in debate regarding the current situation,” indicates Jérôme Delmas, re-elected secretary of the UD CGT 46. This meeting, which was held on Thursday June 13 and Friday June 14, was l opportunity for a “democratic renewal” both in the executive commission and in the definition of clear orientations for the three years to come.

Call for mobilization for “social progress”

Increase in the minimum wage, equal pay between men and women, lowering the retirement age to 60, strengthening public services or even reappropriation of Social Security… The list of demands of the UD CGT 46 for the next few years is far from exhaustive. The renewal of objectives is part of a fed-up with current policies. Nathalie Chamayou, psychiatric nurse and delegate of the CGT du Lot, testifies, exasperated: “How far are we going to go? We are destroying the health of employees as well as that of our patients. » Concerns shared by all members present and which continue to grow.

“By choosing dissolution, at this moment, the president hopes to once again pose a recourse against the extreme right, while he has continued to make short work of it, in particular with his vile law” asylum and immigration”, testifies, on behalf of all, Jérôme Delmas. For now, the priority therefore remains to mobilize against the far right. “Their victory would be a catastrophe for active, retired and unemployed employees,” concludes the secretary of the UD CGT 46.



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