Michel Aebischer, a discreet hero – rts.ch

Michel Aebischer, a discreet hero – rts.ch
Michel Aebischer, a discreet hero – rts.ch

Nobody saw it coming. Scorer and passer during the 3-1 against Hungary on Saturday in Cologne, Michel Aebischer cultivates a certain discretion which can contrast with the bling-bling conveyed by many others.

“I know what I can bring to the team. My coaches know it too. The rest doesn’t matter to me”, explains the one who was, on paper, only the 5th wheel of the tank in the middle line behind Granit Xhaka, Remo Freuler, Denis Zakaria and Vincent Sierro. But that was without taking into account Murat Yakin’s choice to establish him on the left flank with the mission of refocusing in the offensive phase.

“It’s up to the coach to decide”

“At the same time, Rodriguez slipped to the left and Widmer moved back a little to the right flank to return to a few phases in a four-man defensespecifies the Bologna player on Monday. This flexibility has, I believe, greatly hampered the Hungarians.”

Michel Aebischer does not know if this scheme which favors numerical superiority at the heart of the game will be renewed on Wednesday against Scotland. “The Scots are undoubtedly analyzing our match on Saturday to find the solution, he continues. I don’t know, moreover, the intentions of our coach. We haven’t talked about Wednesday’s game yet. I certainly hope to play again. But it’s up to the coach to decide.” To play instead to better stick to the philosophy of Murat Yakin.

Michel Aebischer had to wait for his 21st match with the Swiss team to finally make an impression. “There are such good players to fill the midline places in this Swiss teamsmiles Michel Aebischer. Not playing doesn’t bother me. Being called up to the Swiss team is a huge honor. If I’m on the bench, I can assure you that I’m the biggest fan of the team.”

But like Thiago Motta in Bologna, Murat Yakin kindly realizes that to deprive himself for a long time of a player with such a refined tactical sense would be an aberration.





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