reorganization of polling stations in Gers

reorganization of polling stations in Gers
reorganization of polling stations in Gers

As the first round of the legislative elections approaches, the Gers prefecture is reorganizing its polling stations. Some polling places were moved to better ensure the vote. Here are the changes planned by state services.

© Radu Razvan /

Communities are in the starting blocks. In view of the legislative elections on Sunday June 30 and July 7, the Gers prefecture has announced a change in voting locations in several municipalities. This decision aims to ensure optimal conduct of the ballots. So which municipalities are affected by the changes to polling stations? The Journal Toulousain takes stock.

Polling stations reorganized in Gers

Most municipalities keep the usual voting locations. On the other hand, 29 communities will have to review their organization. This is particularly the case in Aux-Aussat, located in the canton of Mirande-Astarac, where the voting will take place in a former classroom. As in Barcelonne-du-Gers, in the canton of Adour-Gersoise, where voters will have to go to the sports hall, rue Martial.

For Bourrouillan, in the canton of Grand-Bas-Armagnac, the voting location will take place at the town hall, just like in Caillavet and Justian in the canton of Fezensac. Same thing, at Castelnau-d’Angles, in the canton of Pardiac-Rivière-Basse, where voters will also have to go to the town hall to put the ballot in the ballot boxas in Lasserrade and Pallanne in the same canton.

On the other hand, in the canton of Gascogne-Auscitaine, the Duran polling station will be moved to the former medical office, 2 place de la Liberté, while voters in Saint-Lary will have to vote at the town hall. In Eauze, in the canton of Armagnac-Ténarèze, all polling stations will be centralized at the Halle Belle-Marie, place du Bataillon de l’Armagnac. In this same canton, Gondrin voters will vote at the Salle Raymond Chalumeau, 3 rue Jean Ducasséand those of Montreal at the Salle des Cornières, Place de l’Hôtel de Ville, while the Mouchan polling place will take place in the activities hall.

Other places for the legislative elections

For voters in Gimbrède, Miradoux, Moncorneil-Grazan and Sempesserre, in the canton of Lectoure-Lomagne, and Polastron and Seysses-Savès in the canton of Val de Save, votes will also take place in the respective town halls, except for Sempesserre , where voting will take place in the school canteen. In Sainte-Marie, in the canton of Gimone-Arrats, the polling station will be installed in the school canteen. In Montestruc-sur-Gers, in the canton of Fleurance-Lomagne, the voting place is at the town hall, 32 route d’Agen, and in Saint-Léonard, it will take place in the village hall. In the canton of Astarac-Gimone, voters in Tachoires will also head to the town hall for the vote. Finally, in the canton of Adour-Gersoise, the voting places of Lelin-Lapujolle and Vergoignan move respectively to the town hall and the common room, Tiadore residence, 1 route d’Arblade.



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