In brief in Lozère: voting proxies, the old Mende pharmacy, Michel Sardou in concert

In brief in Lozère: voting proxies, the old Mende pharmacy, Michel Sardou in concert
In brief in Lozère: voting proxies, the old Mende pharmacy, Michel Sardou in concert

Powers of attorney. Concerning the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, the Lozère national police informs that it is authorized to collect voting proxies from the homes of people who cannot travel (including in health or specialized establishments) and invites the latter to make themselves known as soon as possible to the Mende police station: 04 66 65 63 63. Concerning paper powers of attorney, it is possible to give power of attorney in a dematerialized manner. It’s simple and instant! For more information, go to

Visit to the old Mende pharmacy. The Mende tourist office invites you to discover, on Tuesday June 18 at 10 a.m., with a tour guide, the 19th century pharmacy of the town’s old hospital. The pharmacy was restored between 2018 and 2020 and has furniture as well as a collection of utensils dedicated to health. Duration: approximately 1 hour. Price: free up to 9 years old; €3 per child aged 10 to 18; €5 per adult. Information and reservations at the Mende Cœur de Lozère tourist office on 04 66 94 00 23. Meeting and departure from the tourist office, Place du Foirail, in Mende.

Sardou in concert. The Le Trianon cinema in Mende is offering Michel Sardou’s last concert recorded at the Arena Bercy in Paris. The singer created a surprise by announcing his big return to the stage for a final tour entitled “I remember a farewell”. Two screenings are planned: Thursday June 20 at 8 p.m. and Sunday June 23 at 5 p.m. Price: €18. Reservations are recommended. 04 66 94 01 10 and



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