Let’s co-operate. A pellet production line is taking shape at the Raoul Vadepied high school

Let’s co-operate. A pellet production line is taking shape at the Raoul Vadepied high school
Let’s co-operate. A pellet production line is taking shape at the Raoul Vadepied high school


Editorial Sillé-le-Guillaume

Published on

June 17, 2024 at 6:36 a.m.

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L’association pilots the operation and activates assembly of the production line of pellets within the Raoul Vadepied high school.

All equipment having been delivered. A line of pellet production takes shape in Let’s co-operate (in Mayenne).

“This is a project that we started in 2022. The challenges are to promote the wood from the Coëvrons bocage and to support farmers in the management of hedges and by promoting their work while developing the chipped wood sector,” explains Benoit Quintardprofessor of mechanical engineering and automation, surrounded by a team of colleagues and students.

THE shredded wood is stored for initial drying under the storage hall of the Route de recycling center Mayenne. It is provided by the SCollective Interest Cooperative Society (SCIC) Mayenne Wood Energy.

Students immersed in a business situation

Students find themselves immersed in a business situation. They install the modules of the production line: drying, dusting, grinding, compression, bagging, robotization of palletizing For shipping at points of sale.

They are responsible for the electricity supply, the monitoring control elements, and the programming… “The elements of the line are manufactured in China and the fitters must make the adaptations to comply with French standards,” points out Benoit Quintard.

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Departmental Favorite 2024

The implementation of this production line is estimated at 150,000 euros. The project is financed to the tune of 90,000 euros by the European Leader fund. The Rectorate pays 36,000 euros and the Community of Communes 24,000 euros.

Also note that the Briquettexpress association was elected Departmental Coup de Cœur 2024 by Crédit Agricole members.

Representatives of Crédit Agricole and the Caisse Agricole Initiative Locale (CAIL) association presented a check for €5,500 (€2,000 from the Évron/Vaiges local bank, €1,500 from the regional bank, €2,000 € of the 2024 departmental Coup de Cœur at Briquettexpress).


The production objective is set at 40 tonnes the first year, to increase to 80 in a second phase and reach 140-150 tonnes per year, the equivalent of consumption of 150 households. The energy saving is not negligible: “For 1 kWh consumed, 50 kWh are produced. »

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