Belgium-Slovakia: here are the predictions from our RTL Sports Jury

Belgium-Slovakia: here are the predictions from our RTL Sports Jury
Belgium-Slovakia: here are the predictions from our RTL Sports Jury

That’s it, it’s D-Day, our Red Devils begin their Euro against Slovakia this Monday, at 6 p.m. For the occasion, our RTL Sports Jury took part in the traditional game of predictions.

Our Red Devils begin their tournament this Monday evening, against Slovakia. An opponent within our reach, but who should not be underestimated to start the Euro on a good note.

Belgium is the clear favorite in this match and all the members of our RTL Sports Jury give the Devils the victory in this match. “I see a controlled Belgian victory, I think we will have a completely decent start to the tournament. We still have some defensive excitement, especially because we don’t have many options, so we must not lose our defenders. For me, we will win 2-0 quietly with a goal from Lukaku and another from De Bruyne or Doku, why not“, our journalist Alexandre Braeckman gets wet.

Our consultant, Silvio Proto, also sees Domenico Tedesco’s men winning by the same score. “I see a victory for Belgium, a little 2-0, I hope, because that’s what we need to start the tournament well“.

The most optimistic of all is Vincenzo Ciuro. “I say 3-0 success for our Red Devils“, predicts our journalist.

So, will Alexandre Braeckman, Silvio Proto or Vincenzo Ciuro have the right prediction? Response shortly before 8 p.m.

euro 2024 Jury RTL Sports Belgium Slovakia predictions Red Devils



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