Maxime tours the villages without commerce in Calvados to serve an aperitif

Maxime tours the villages without commerce in Calvados to serve an aperitif
Maxime tours the villages without commerce in Calvados to serve an aperitif


Nathan Blouin

Published on

June 16, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

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In life, Maxime Esnaud has two passions: restoration and the old vehicles. It was also in the first named that he carried out his studies, before working fully on their conclusion. “I have been in several restaurants », he confirms, smiling.

On the other hand, the native of Villy-Bocage, in Calvados, was unable, then, to combine his second passion with the first. One thing he sought to remedy via a project that he has been preparing for five years now… And which has finally come to fruition materializedsince Tuesday June 4, 2024.

That of throwing “ At the Corkscrew “, A traveling bistro wandering through Calvados, aboard a small Citroën type HY truckfrom 1980.

I bought it especially for this project last October. My father-in-law and I completely refurbished it ourselves, so that it would be ready at the beginning of June.

Maxime Esnaud

A seasonal activity

Maxime Esnaud imagines his new job as a seasonal activitywhich he will carry out every year “ between April and October “. “The rest of the year, I will look for another job, probably in “classic” catering. »

It is clear that he is not in danger of losing his bearings between two winters, because the activity promises to be intensive in the van; Au Tire Bouchon customers have the choice between drinks (draft beer, cider, wine, soda, coffee, etc.) and food (charcuterie and cheese board, etc.).

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Options that they can then savor while settling into the space that Maxime Esnaud has designed around his traveling bistro, “in the style guinguette ”, according to his destinations.

A tour in the Pré-Bocage and on the coast

Its destinations, in fact, are in no way chosen at random.

The original idea of ​​the project was to give small towns without businesses a bistro service like in the old days.

Among these communes, it was obviously impossible not to include Villy-Bocage. Two other villages in Pré-Bocage are also concerned, namely Cahagnes and Monts-en-Bessin, as well as others closer to the sidewith Port-en-Bessin, Asnelles and Fontaine-Henry.

During the first day at Villy-Bocage, Wednesday June 5. ©DR

” I went canvass municipalities in recent months to offer them this service. It was very complicated, I must have made at least 50 requests, there were a lot of refusals. » The list could however evolve Or expand gradually.

In the meantime, the 26-year-old restaurateur takes stock “ very positive » of its first week, despite the complications caused by the 80th anniversary of the Landing.

I had around 200 customers, who gave me very good feedback on the products and the concept. The vintage side is very popular, it attracts attention. Moreover, when I found myself stuck in traffic during the commemorations in Arromanches, people spotted me and got out of the cars to come and ask me for drinks. I sold very well!

At the Corkscrew. Mobile bistro. Current program: Tuesday, campsite la prairie de Port-en-Bessin / Wednesday, Villy-Bocage or Cahagnes or Monts-en-Bessin / Thursday, Asnelles / Friday, Fontaine-Henry / weekends, private events. From 6 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Will also be present in Villers-Bocage for Villers en fête, June 29. More information on the “Au Tire Bouchon” Facebook page.

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