LEGISLATIVE: Claire Rocher defends “the workers’ camp” in Côte-d’Or

LEGISLATIVE: Claire Rocher defends “the workers’ camp” in Côte-d’Or
LEGISLATIVE: Claire Rocher defends “the workers’ camp” in Côte-d’Or

The Lutte Ouvrière activist presents the candidates in Côte-d’Or and calls for “refusing the complicated combinations of the left which once again only aim to delude us”.

Lutte Ouvrière press release of June 16, 2024:

Macron claims to ask us for our opinion by imposing new elections on us. So let’s take this opportunity to give it away! But on what really interests us, namely our standard of living, our salaries, our jobs, our pensions, and in a situation where centers of war are multiplying, we do not want to be recruited into a war camp against other peoples and later serve as cannon fodder.

Among the candidates present, there is the RN; his only advantage is that he has never been in power. But even before getting there, he went back on his promise to abolish the pension law. And he is trying hard to divide workers between those of French origin and those of foreign origin by multiplying anti-immigrant declarations. Apart from that, it is difficult to say what his program is, but his political ancestors are Hitler and Mussolini of sinister memory… This shows to what extent he is a mortal enemy.

And let’s not forget Macron who, contrary to his desire to bring right and left into agreement, is responsible for the situation.

Opposite, there is the left which asks us once again to trust it when it has betrayed us for forty years to the point of disgusting and despairing those whom it should normally defend. She worked tirelessly to make us lose faith in our own strengths as workers as we run everything in society

In any case, in the end, it is never the politicians who decide; They do what their sponsors tell them to do, the big bourgeoisie, the extremely wealthy of this country, those whose sole policy is to make us pay for their economic crisis, their inflation and who have become richer than ever at our backs.

Lutte Ouvrière presents candidates in all the constituencies of the department.

Voting for Lutte Ouvrière will be the clearest possible vote, both against the RN and against Macron, but while refusing the complicated combinations of the left which once again only aim to delude us.

Our candidates in Côte d’Or:
1st cir. Julien THÉVENIN Teacher – Substitute Sylvie RIBOULET, retired care assistant
2nd cir. Claire ROCHER Hospital nurse – Substitute Geoffroy LAMY, horticultural worker
3rd cir. Fabienne DELORME Teacher – Substitute Philippe CHARBONNEL, postman
4th cir. Michel DENIZOT Retired postman – Substitute Christine BALLANDRAS, school teacher
5th cir. Françoise PETET Electronics worker – Substitute Abdennour EL KAMEL, retired electronics worker

Candidates running for legislative elections in Côte-d’Or



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