Soccer. French U19 champion, Ethan Mbappé leaves PSG with a hat-trick

PSG dominated Auxerre in the final of the French U19 championship (3-1), this Sunday June 16, a match which marked the last appearance of Ethan Mbappé (17 years old) in the Parisian jersey. He thus achieved the treble with Ligue 1 and the Coupe de France.

Ethan Mbappé, here in the Coupe de France with the “A”, won the French U19 championship. | PHOTO: VALENTINE CHAPUIS / AFP

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  • Ethan Mbappé, here in the Coupe de France with the “A”, won the French U19 championship. | PHOTO: VALENTINE CHAPUIS / AFP

We had to finish on a good note, that was the case for Ethan Mbappé. Kylian’s brother participated in the Parisians’ coronation in the final of the French U19 championship against Auxerre (3-1), this Sunday June 16 in Brive, while the capital club lost at the same stage of the competition last year. Arriving at the club at the same time as his brother in 2017 when he was only eleven years old, Ethan Mbappé (17 years old) will leave Paris SG at the same time as his brother, announced mother-agent Fayza Lamari.

Lille, Ajax or Dortmund try to enlist him

Trained in Bondy, the midfielder has won two championships this season, since with 45 minutes played in three matches with the “big ones”, Ethan Mbappé is among the winners of Ligue 1… But also of the Coupe de France (39 minutes in two matches).

If he will not sign for Real Madrid, clubs like Lille, Ajax Amsterdam (Netherlands) or Borussia Dortmund (Germany) would look into the file of the one whose value is estimated at 1.5 million euros by the site Transfermarkt.



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