SENEGAL-TABASKI-COMMEMORATION / In Podor, faithful pray for peace and national harmony – Senegalese press agency

Podor, June 16 (APS) – Muslim faithful celebrated the Tabaski festival on Sunday in Podor (north), under the leadership of Imam Saliou Faye, who formulated, in his sermon, prayers for peace and national harmony.

Imam Faye also expressed wishes for the return of peace to “attacked” Palestine, during the traditional prayer of the two “rakaas” which he led on the HLM grounds, noted the APS.

In his sermon, the clergyman reiterated the meaning of the celebration, emphasizing the “sacrifice of Abraham”, “the most complete expression of submission to Allah”, according to him.

Imam Faye also urged the faithful to follow the recommendations of the “Master of Heaven”, instructing them to “stay away from his prohibitions”.

“In this world characterized by power struggles between individuals, between communities, between States”, the marabout recommended “righteousness, justice, tolerance to further humanize relationships”.

He denounced and condemned “Israel’s aggression on Palestine with thousands of deaths”, “all this under the complicit gaze of the international community”.

Part of the Senegalese Muslim community celebrated the Tabaski festival on Sunday, the vast majority of the faithful having decided to commemorate Eid-el-Adha on Monday June 17, in accordance with the recommendations of the national consultation commission of the lunar crescent.





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