Between the RN and LFI, “I would vote for the RN”: the words of historian Serge Klarsfeld provoke reactions

Between the RN and LFI, “I would vote for the RN”: the words of historian Serge Klarsfeld provoke reactions
Between the RN and LFI, “I would vote for the RN”: the words of historian Serge Klarsfeld provoke reactions

His choice is made. In the event of a duel between a candidate from La France insoumise (LFI) and the National Rally (RN), Serge Klarsfeld, historian and great defender of the cause of Jewish deportees from France, affirmed this Saturday on LCI that he would not have “no hesitation” to “vote for the RN”. “The RN supports the Jews, supports the State of Israel. It’s normal that between an anti-Semitic party and a pro-Jewish party, I vote for a pro-Jewish party,” explained the son of a Jewish deportee at the microphone of Darius Rochebin.

The one who judged the presence of the RN “completely positive” at the march against anti-Semitism last November believes this time that the far right considers “after a long evolution, the Jews as positive”. “The National Rally has changed. » Conversely, Serge Klarsfeld judges that the “extreme left” is under the influence of LFI “with anti-Semitic overtones and violent anti-Zionism”.

However, Serge Klarsfeld is far from calling to vote for the RN. “I will vote for a party of the center,” he declared, mentioning that of “the President of the Republic.” “I consider that the New Popular Front is a political enemy and that the National Rally is a political adversary. » At the end of May, he affirmed that the RN had “gradually entered the circle of republican parties”, even if he assured that he would not vote for this party in the European elections.

Le Pen salutes, Bompard “shocked”

Comments welcomed by the leader of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen, on X (formerly Twitter), citing an extract where Serge Klarsfeld says “trust the French”. According to her, “the tribute to the French people of this great conscience and guardian of the memory of the Shoah that is Serge Klarsfeld, reminds us that even if the path of our electoral choices may diverge, there is a moment when we must find again to refuse this terrible danger carried today by a left”. “The real danger for France is the alliance of the extreme left,” added the contested president of LR Éric Ciotti.

On the left, the national coordinator of LFI Manuel Bompard estimated this Sunday on BFMTV that Serge Klarsfeld showed a “loss of values ​​and benchmarks”. “To consider today that the National Rally would be more acceptable than the New Popular Front shocks me,” he insisted, seeing in it “the result of a form of demonization (from the RN) in which Emmanuel Macron bears responsibility.” “Our fight against anti-Semitism, against racism and against Islamophobia is at the heart of our commitments. (Serge Klarsfeld) is wrong and should get his act together. »

The president of MoDem François Bayrou, for his part, was content to speak of people “who can renege on their commitments”. “There are people who give up. I admire those who resist” the rise of extremes, he said.

For the moment, neither the chief rabbi of France Haïm Korsia nor the president of Crif Yonathan Arfi have reacted. On May 26, Haïm Korsia was critical of the RN program which, according to him, also targets Jewish worship, in particular “the ban on religious signs in public spaces”. “Any system of rejecting anyone is contrary to the spirit of the Republic,” he said. Yonathan Arfi, for his part, called on June 11 for LR not to associate with the RN. “Such an alliance would be a betrayal of the fundamental values ​​of the Republican right! An unworthy and dangerous choice,” he tackled on X.



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