Legislative elections 2024. Patrick Grimbert candidate in the 2nd constituency of Manche

Legislative elections 2024. Patrick Grimbert candidate in the 2nd constituency of Manche
Legislative elections 2024. Patrick Grimbert candidate in the 2nd constituency of Manche

It’s a third lap of the track for Patrick Grimbert. This 68-year-old retiree, family caregiver for his disabled wife and former manager of a cooperative society, is a candidate for the legislative elections in the 2e Manche constituency (Avranches-Granville) under the colors of the New Popular Front, the result of the union of different left-wing parties (Socialist Party, Europe Ecologie-Les Verts, La France insoumise, the French Communist Party and Place publique. had already participated for the first time in the legislative elections in 2017 with La France Insoumise where he obtained 7% of the votes, then in 2022 with Nupes where he arrived in the second round with 37% of the votes.

“I think we can create a surprise”

“A national negotiation made it possible to create the New Popular Front. I was asked to go there because the constituency was allocated to France Insoumise”, says the candidate living in Saint-Georges-de-Rouelley (Manche). For him, the priority is clear: “We absolutely must block the far right. The objective is that the National Rally does not come to power. There is an opportunity for us because the macronie was very discredited in the European elections. With all the left forces united, I think we can create a surprise. »

Beyond blocking, he wants his party to obtain a position “reinforced, even majority” to the National Assembly: “We want to put in place a social and humanist policy with emergency measures that the country needs. This involves an increase in the minimum wage or even the repeal of the pension reform. »

At his side, Manon Desvages, 40 years old, elected to the town hall of Granville without a label, farmer-goat breeder, presents herself as his substitute.



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