in the North, Renaissance MP Violette Spillebout plays it personally – Libération

in the North, Renaissance MP Violette Spillebout plays it personally – Libération
in the North, Renaissance MP Violette Spillebout plays it personally – Libération


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Legislative elections 2024case

In the campaign this Sunday, the elected official puts forward her personal roots and not her affiliation with the presidential camp, in a constituency less affected by the RN tide and faces the anger and incomprehension of the inhabitants.

An outgoing Macronist MP with the wind at her back, these days, that’s not so common. Violette Spillebout is lucky: her constituency, the ninth in the North, is the only one in the department to have placed the Renaissance list in the lead in the European elections last Sunday, with 20.46% of the votes. This territory where a working-class part of Lille, half of Tourcoing and the very bourgeois towns of Bondues, Mouvaux and Marcq-en-Barœul coexist, has the appearance of a preserved Macronist haven.

At the Marcq tea room, where activists were meeting for the campaign on Sunday morning, Robert and Marielle, who had come to have breakfast with newspapers and books, were watching for her. In barely two years in office, the Renaissance representative has established herself in the landscape, her name is known. The couple is worried, stunned by the rise of the extreme right in these well-off bastions of the good-looking right that have moved to macronism: 18.7% for the RN in the European constituency, compared to 9.6% in the first round of the last legislative elections of 2022.

“I think you’re going to come back.”

“There’s something going on,” recognizes Raphaël Charpentier, deputy of Spillebout and advisor to the



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