Legislative. In Oise, the National Rally is aiming for the grand slam!

Legislative. In Oise, the National Rally is aiming for the grand slam!
Legislative. In Oise, the National Rally is aiming for the grand slam!
The RN candidates in Oise have a smile. They believe they can achieve the grand slam. From left to right: Mathieu Grimpret, Michel Guiniot, Alexandre Sabatou, Frédéric-Pierre Vos, David Magnier and Claire Marais-Beuil. The only thing missing is Philippe Ballard, retained by the television sets. – Photos: Oise Hebdo.

This Saturday, June 15, the National gathering (RN) presented its candidates in the seven constituencies of Oise. In other words, in our department, there will be no agreement before the first round between the Republicans (LR) and the RN. “In Oise, and in each of the constituencies, voters will therefore have to choose between the RN and the Popular Front (FP), judge David Magnier, the departmental secretary of the party chaired by Jordan Bardella. And, in all honesty, I think we can achieve the grand slam by removing the seven constituencies.” To establish this prognosis, David Magnier relies on the result of the recent European elections where the RN came first in all the municipalities of Oise, with the exception of seven of them.

In the 1st constituency (Beauvais Nord-Est), it will be necessary to beat the outgoing MP Victor Habert-Dassault (LR). And it is Claire Marais-Beuil who will attempt this feat. “Curiously, there will be no candidate from the presidential majority facing him,” smiles the elected official from Beauvais. At the same time, it is very close to Macronie… I think that the inhabitants of the 1st district now know who they are dealing with. The mask has fallen…”

The leavers are very confident

In the 2nd constituency (Beauvais South-West), Philippe Ballard (RN) is confident. He plans to keep his position. “We urgently need to tackle the recovery of the country,” he said. And above all he is not counting on the candidates of the “united” left to tackle it.” To regain his seat in the assembly, Philippe Ballard will have to deal with Ludovic Castanié (LR) and Marianne Seck (LFI). Two candidates who, clearly, do not scare this media specialist.

In the third constituency (Creil / Méru), Alexandre Sabatou (RN) is the title holder. To keep it, he will have to dominate Pascal Bois (Renaissance) or Amadou Ka (FP). A challenge within the reach of the ex-MP who has been plowing the ground since his election in 2022. “The RN is making clear progress in Chambly and Méru,” he notes. And in the Creillois area, people are wary of the extreme left.” For Alexandre Sabatou, “we feel that something is happening.”

Eric Woerth in great danger

In the 4th constituency (Senlis / Chantilly), the only one in the Oise held by a Renaissance deputy until the dissolution, the RN is banking on Mathieu Grimpret. “People no longer want Eric Woerth,” asserts this historian trained at Sciences Po Paris, the Sorbonne and the United States. He is a respectable man, but his career raises questions and many people mention the word betrayal when they talk about him. Today, Mathieu Grimpret lives in Paris. But, it is promised, he will settle in Chantilly the day after his election, if he wins.

In the 5th constituency (Compiègne / Crépy-en-Valois), it is a newcomer to the Oise, Frédéric-Pierre Vos, who will try to trip up Pierre Vatin (LR), the outgoing deputy. This Parisian lawyer assures that Oise is his favorite department. He contributed to the writing of Marine Le Pen’s presidential program. Like his colleague from Lamorlaye, Pierre Pimpie, elected MEP on June 9. A good omen for him?

In the 6th constituency (Compiègne / Noyon), Michel Guiniot (RN) will also have to cross swords with a lawyer, the eco-friendly Baptiste de Fresse de Monval, who will wear the colors of the Popular Front. “I appeal to LR voters so that they vote for me and eliminate the left-wing candidate in the first round,” says Michel Guiniot. But Baptiste de Fresse de Monval will perhaps not be the most dangerous opponent of the outgoing deputy. Daniel Leca (UDI) risks giving him a hard time, just like Marc-Antoine Brekiesz (Center / LR) if he confirms his candidacy before 6:00 p.m. this Sunday, June 16.

Maxime Minot will have a lot to do

In the 7th constituency (Nogent-sur-Oise / Clermont), the outgoing deputy Maxime Minot (LR) will therefore finally have an RN candidate facing him since David Magnier confirmed this Saturday June 15 that he was going there. This constituency seems the most open. The rather vague positioning of the outgoing deputy and the presence of three serious candidates – Magnier (RN), Van Elsuxe (Presidential Majority) and Penn (Popular Front) – facing him make any prediction very complicated.

“We can remove the seven constituencies of Oise,” concludes Philippe Ballard. We are ready for this. And we are ready to lead the country by immediately focusing on purchasing power, security and immigration. We will then have to carry out an audit of public finances and take structural measures concerning pensions, health and even national education. We do not have time to lose.”



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