Weather report. Rising temperatures, storms, hail… What should we expect this week?

Weather report. Rising temperatures, storms, hail… What should we expect this week?
Weather report. Rising temperatures, storms, hail… What should we expect this week?

We almost despair. The feeling of experiencing a spring worthy of autumn, of never taking off coats and scarves. But beware of false impressions. If the spring of 2024 was indeed one of the rainiest since 1959 – and even the rainiest since 2008 – temperatures were higher than normal for the third year in a row, which illustrates the effects of global warming in France. “An anomaly of +0.8°C compared to 1991-2020 normals”, noted Météo France which specifies that the “felt gloomy” is due to heavy rains and insufficient sunlight.

Read also: Thunderstorms, rain… The “rotten” weather experienced in France is a symptom of global warming

The week which starts this Monday June 17, 2024 marks the start of a new contrasting sequence. Météo France forecasts a peak of 33 degrees in Marseille on Tuesday. But despite the summer solstice which will take place at the end of the week, the week should be shaken by sometimes violent storms and hail due to a depression called “cold drop”. We take stock, day by day.

Monday, a country cut in two

To summarize, it will be rain in the North, sun in the South. Apart from some scattered rain in Aurillac or Bourg-Saint-Maurice, Météo France generally forecasts good weather to the south of the Loire and precipitation and clouds to the north. In terms of temperatures, we vary between 14 to 18 in Brest and 24 to 29 in Ajaccio.

Tuesday, start of storms and strong heat

On Tuesday, the stormy streak should begin. Center-Val de Loire and Burgundy-Franche-Comté will be affected in the morning, as well as La Rochelle. In the evening, it is the South-West which will in turn be affected.

In terms of temperatures, a sharp rise is beginning with a peak of 33 degrees expected in Ajaccio, between 18 and 26 in the northwest quarter of the country, up to 30 in the east, notably in Strasbourg, and 27 in Belfort. It is in Brittany that the temperatures are expected to be the coolest, between 16 and 21 and rain is forecast, and more rain…

Wednesday, return of the sun… Or almost

It’s almost full sun across the entire territory! Almost, because storms are still expected to disrupt the weather locally on the Atlantic coast and clouds will persist in the west of the country.

In the North, it will be mostly hazy sunshine. Temperature-wise, it’s still very hot. Up to 33 degrees are expected in Lyon, 28 in Bordeaux and Strasbourg, 31 in Marseille. Conversely it should not be more than 19 in Brest or Cherbourg and 21 in Lille.

Thursday, rain and thunderstorms everywhere

Thursday appears to be the most disrupted day of the week. The entire territory, except Corsica, should be affected by precipitation. According to the Weather Channel, storms are expected to affect three-quarters of the country, from the South-West to the Center. Locally, they will be violent and accompanied by hail, especially in the evening.

Be careful from Metz to Tarbes, temperatures will remain high in stormy areas, with up to 27 in Lyon and Gap, but will be a little cooler in the North and West, with 18 in Lille and 23 in Rennes.

Friday, storms, more storms…

Same dynamic for the start of summer. Many storms are still expected to affect the east of the country, from Strasbourg to Gap. In Alsace, temperatures will drop by almost 10 degrees according to the Weather Channel. A refresh which will concern the whole country, with 24 degrees expected in Toulouse, 23 in Alençon or 24 in Bourges.



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