Mélenchon to Matignon? The rebel agrees not to be the “problem”… then destroys Ruffin

Mélenchon to Matignon? The rebel agrees not to be the “problem”… then destroys Ruffin
Mélenchon to Matignon? The rebel agrees not to be the “problem”… then destroys Ruffin
DIMITAR DILKOFF / AFP Mélenchon to Matignon? The rebel promises not to be the “problem”… Then destroys Ruffin (photo taken on June 12 at TF1 headquarters)


Mélenchon to Matignon? The rebel promises not to be the “problem”… Then destroys Ruffin (photo taken on June 12 at TF1 headquarters)

POLITICS – Who to lead the battle? Since the new Popular Front was born, questions have crystallized – among other things – about the leader who will be designated by the united left in the event of victory in the legislative elections. With the question of the weight and the place of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the patriarch of the rebels contested by several major voices.

Having withdrawn since the start of the negotiations between the different groups, the three-time presidential candidate has already explained that he would not stand for Matignon, and that the decision is up to the party leaders. This Sunday, June 16, he undertakes not to be “ the problem » of this new coalition.

“If you think I shouldn’t be Prime Minister, I won’t be”he declared on France 3 in the show Sunday in politicsbefore adding: “People kept saying for days and days that I was divisive. I was accused of everything and anything, anti-Semitism, this, that (…). I will never be the problem, I will always be on the side of the solution. » His only ambition, he assures, being “the victory of the Popular Front”.

The fact remains that Jean-Luc Mélenchon changes his tone with regard to another contender for the role of “ captaincy », François Ruffin. Asked to react to the critical words of the deputy for Somme, who judges “ impossible to oppose the great leader » after the choice of La France insoumise not to reinvest several rebels, including Alexis Corbière or Danielle Simonnet, the founder of La France insoumise could not hold back a few blows.

Mélenchon “doesn’t know” what Ruffin is playing

It’s curious because I found that he had a rather intelligent attitude in the way he did things. He is a candidate for the presidential election, everyone understood it, I understood it from the first minute, he told me », he whispered, explaining that he did not know “what is playing” the chosen one. Refusing to wear a appreciation » on his candidacy for Matignon, Jean-Luc Mélenchon still seemed to question his ability to “to absorb the shock” at the head of a possible coalition government.

It is an answer that belongs to him (…). But a government is not a group of friends, it is not an arrangement between currents. It’s about being able to withstand the shock, it’s the worst job, Matignon », he whispered, having fun recalling that François Ruffin “ said “I’m ready to do it [chef du gouvernement] and otherwise Minister of Sports if it is proposed to me”. Well that’s it, he applied “.

At the same time, Manuel Bompard used the same elements of language on BFMTV, judging that the deputy for the Somme “ has a very clear intention, he displayed it » by saying in particular “ I’m in the first division, I have to qualify for the Champions League.”

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The coordinator of the rebels also justified the fact that his movement did not reinvest several rebels including Alexis Corbière or Danielle Simonnet because he was preparing to betray La France insoumise by joining “ another political group » left after July 7. It must also be said that rumors of recomposition are also swirling within this camp, despite the coalition labeled “new Popular Front”.

Saturday, in a long story, detailed, detailed and cited by Manuel Bompard to justify the ousting of strong minds, The Express evokes a “ tacit agreement » concluded for several weeks between several leaders – including Olivier Faure for the socialists, Fabien Roussel for the communists, Marine Tondelier for the ecologists – to agree on an alliance, then force the Mélenchonist guard to join in negotiations already underway. Alexis Corbière and François Ruffin were part of the party, which accelerated with the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly.

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