Anticipated legislative elections. Channel: Reconquest! reveals the names of the four nominated candidates

Anticipated legislative elections. Channel: Reconquest! reveals the names of the four nominated candidates
Anticipated legislative elections. Channel: Reconquest! reveals the names of the four nominated candidates


Juliette Voisin

Published on

June 16, 2024 at 2:06 p.m.

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The Reconquest party! by Éric Zemmour presents four candidates in Manche for the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, 2024.

A Reconquest candidate in each constituency

Friday June 14, Laurent Besagny (for the 1D constituency), Hervé Retailleau (2e constituency), Christian Guyot (3e constituency) and Yann Da Cruz-Legeleux (4e constituency) were invested to represent the far-right party in the departement.

“We did not want to leave our voters orphans”

“Since the creation of Reconquête!, we have wanted the union of rights. We attempted an agreement with the National Rally and The Republicans which was unsuccessful. Despite the recent tumultswe did not want to leave our orphan voters », Explains Yann Da Cruz-Legeleux, deputy head of the Reconquête federation! in Manche and municipal councilor of La Hague.

The other candidates for these early legislative elections have joined Reconquest! at its creation before the presidential election of 2022 : “Hervé Retailleau is the departmental delegate and Christian Guyot, the deputy head of the federation. Laurent Besagny, for his part, is responsible for the 1D constituency for Reconquest! », Presents Yann Da Cruz-Legeleux.


Their party defends nationalist and conservative ideas: “With the RN, we are in phase on the dimension of national sovereignty which prevails over the European Union, over immigration… We differentiate ourselves economically. Our program is liberal protectionist while that of the RN is left-wing sovereignist. On a societal level, we are conservative. We stand for value family . The growth of the birth rate will be the only way to reverse the age pyramid and pay the pensions”, argues Yann Da Cruz-Legeleux,whose first candidacy for the legislative elections in 2022 in the constituency of Cherbourg ended in a defeatwith a score of 3.03%in the first round.

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