In July, a free open-air cinema with a view of the Seine

In July, a free open-air cinema with a view of the Seine
In July, a free open-air cinema with a view of the Seine

To the left of the Parisian map, high five for this open-air cinema! While, due to the Olympics, its flagship cinema at the Louvre has been put on pause, the distributor MK2 (and the 9-2 department) have just announced the fifth stop of the Cinéclub Paradiso on the square in front of the Seine Musicale .

Flash dance Or In Body

From July 8 to 11, spectators will be able to discover – for free – four films on the theme of dance. On the agenda: the ultra-general public Flash dance by Adrian Lyne and his 80’s soundtrack; In Body by Cédric Klapisch, who recounts the journey of a prima ballerina who is seriously injured; the documentary on dance and integration Let’s go Children by Alban Teurlai; And Pina by Wim Wenders, stylistic 3D documentary retracing the life of the iconic German choreographer Pina Bausch.

Presentation and DJ sets by FIP

Following the same model as in previous years, all screenings will be preceded by DJ sets knitted by the FIP teams and accompanied by a presentation of each film by critic Lily Bloom. Good session !

When ? from July 8 to 11, 2024.
Or ? Seine Musicale, Seguin Island, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt
How much ? free (reservation here).



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