Haute-Saône. A person dies after being hit by a train between Besançon and

Haute-Saône. A person dies after being hit by a train between Besançon and
Haute-Saône. A person dies after being hit by a train between Besançon and Belfort

A “personal accident” occurred this Sunday, November 10 at 2:30 p.m. on the LGV line between Besançon and -Montbéliard, in Sorans-lès-Breurey, in Haute-Saône.

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The TGV Inoui 55017, which was traveling between and , hit a pedestrian who was on the track near the They rest area, located along the RN 57. The victim, whose identity was still unknown at the start of the evening, died instantly.

Emergency services were alerted shortly after 3 p.m.h20 by the SNCF operational traffic management center (COGC). Around ten firefighters from the Rioz intervention center and the main Vesoul intervention center were mobilized.

The driver in shock

The TGV train was urgently stopped more than two kilometers further, at Neuvelle-lès-Cromary. Some 300 passengers were then seated on the train. No casualties have been reported. The driver, in shock, was treated at the scene, but was not hospitalized.

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More than 300 travelers

The wait for passengers was estimated at more than four hours by the SNCF which was studying, if necessary, alternative solutions or diversion of the train. The two traffic lanes having been cut, the traffic of other TGV Inoui was also disrupted; trains could encounter several hours of delay on departure or arrival.



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