Antoine Dupont, Matthis Lebel, Sofiane Guitoune… when the stars of Stade Toulousain put on the kitchen apron

Antoine Dupont, Matthis Lebel, Sofiane Guitoune… when the stars of Stade Toulousain put on the kitchen apron
Antoine Dupont, Matthis Lebel, Sofiane Guitoune… when the stars of Stade Toulousain put on the kitchen apron

the essential
Gaïa, Les Fines Gueules, Mattarelo and Les Jardins de Candie, the restaurants and taverns run by Toulouse rugby players continue to flourish. But where does this attraction to catering come from among oval ball professionals?

Since March, French rugby star Antoine Dupont has joined the pool of associates of the Gaïa restaurant, in turn illustrating a growing trend among rugby players: investing in catering. His teammate Matthis Lebel, already associated with the restaurant “Les Fines Gueules” in the city center, recently relaunched his tavern restaurant “Les Jardins de Candie”.

Contrary to appearances, this phenomenon is far from new. “It’s something that we find with the current generation, but it was already the case 40 years ago,” explains Didier Lacroix, president of Stade Toulousain. Patrick Soula, the Rouge et Noir’s hooker a few years ago, successfully launched into the restaurant business by creating the “Tommy’s Café” franchise. So what still motivates today, this new wave of restaurateur rugby players?

“It allows us to break down barriers”

Trend, fashion, for Didier Lacroix it’s also a question of nature: “One gets started and it gives the idea to the others, but I think it fits more or less with the personalities of each player. Rugby players are people who like conviviality,” he says.

Matthis Lebel agrees: “I am someone who really likes to disconnect, spend time with family and get back to basics. Without a phone. There is this idea in the opening of the tavern. This also comes from the fact that “As a player, we feel good in our city, and that allows us to break down the barriers with people a little, in a more serene setting.”

Proximity with supporters is an undeniable advantage for these players, who appreciate being able to share quality moments with the people of Toulouse. Matthis Lebel, for example, does not just spend time at the Jardins de Candie. “I also gave my opinion on the menu, on the products used, etc. I wanted there to be quality in what we offered,” assures the player.

“It’s not just a name”

This phenomenon is not limited to Matthis Lebel or Antoine Dupont. Sofiane Guitoune, another Stade Toulousain player, is associated with the Mattarello restaurant in Cornebarrieu, northwest of Toulouse. “It all started when Sofiane’s wife came to eat in our restaurant, then little by little, we met and decided to set up a food truck,” says Romain Mazzolini, the manager of Mattarello. Transformed test. The food truck has become a restaurant in its own right, and Sofiane Guitoune is fully involved in it. “It’s not just a name added to our brand for a publicity stunt. Sofiane is involved, he serves, he collects, he invested to the highest degree when it was necessary to do work. I wouldn’t be surprised if we find him here full time once he retires,” confides Romain Mazzolini.

This new generation of rugby players, radiant on the field, seems to have a pragmatic vision of the future. “I think we are dealing with a young generation that is intelligent and insightful in addition to being bon vivants. Most of them understood that it was also a good way to invest their money for later while sticking with their personality”, concludes Didier Lacroix.



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