400 people demonstrate in Dordogne against the SMD3 waste collection system

400 people demonstrate in Dordogne against the SMD3 waste collection system
400 people demonstrate in Dordogne against the SMD3 waste collection system

“I feel like a sub-citizen. In Bordeaux I paid 100 euros per year, now I live in Dordogne and I pay 300 euros”, Willy sighs. He came from Ribérac expressly to participate in the demonstration organized this Saturday afternoon at Gamenson Park in Périgueux, to say no to the SMD3 waste collection system and the incentive fee. There were 400, 500 according to the association dissatisfied with waste collection in Dordogne who called for a rally.

400 people demonstrate

Didier lives in Mussidan. He is one of the first to have the card. “When we have grandchildren, they leave with their trash. It happened once. And when we move to another department, we leave with our trash. At 5 euros to open, I can’t , and it is above all for the principle”he said.

Didier is a little disappointed to see so few peoplejust like Geneviève. “People didn’t mobilize, but it’s a shame. All people are unhappy with SMD3”, she assures. Geneviève is angry. “We feel guilty for having trash cans, we SMD3 makes us guilty for having waste”, she says. Sometimes he walks to look for a green container that is still open to throw away his trash and not have to pay.

“This demonstration was not intended to impress the SMD3”

For Roselyne and Laurence, there is still time to stop this system, to sit around a table and discuss. Roselyne lives in Rouffignac and she explains that she has to travel 3 kilometers to throw away her waste. “Before when I lived in Périgueux, I had maggots in my trash can!”she maintains.

“I’m not going to tell you that we’re delighted. We could easily have been more than double that. But in any case this demonstration had no aim of impressing the SMD3. There is an anger and a violence which is in going up to the Dordogne. That’s why we’re having a rally. I compare it to a pressure cooker. You have to let go of the valve from time to time.says Florence Poumarède, the association’s spokesperson. The association has launched several appeals with the administrative court of Bordeaux. A decision on a return to door-to-door is expected by the end of the year.



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