“I want to be a strong voice for the Arrageois”

“I want to be a strong voice for the Arrageois”
“I want to be a strong voice for the Arrageois”

The Minister Delegate to the Minister of Agriculture, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, is invested by the presidential majority in the 2nd constituency of Pas-de-Calais. A divisive candidacy. The Pas-de-Calais youth representative with Macron has resigned and is calling for a vote for Nicolas Desfachelle, mayor of Saint-Laurent-Blangy.

In front of the sub-prefecture of Pas-de-Calais in Arras, Agnès Pannier-Runacher declares in a video posted on and former parliamentary collaborator of Jacqueline Maquet, outgoing MP for the 2nd constituency, who is not running for re-election.

Reached by telephone, Agnès Pannier-Runacher explained why she chose the 2nd constituency of Pas-de-Calais: “Our outgoing MP chose not to run again and it was important for the presidential majority to have a candidate who carries their colors in an assertive manner. And that’s why I was invested. […] There was a surprise, the non-candidacy of Jacqueline Maquet. I am following in his footsteps by taking on his colleague Pauline Levasseur as a substitute. Vimy is where the grandparents of the 4th child in my blended family live, [La ministre a une résidence à Lens, nldr]. When I go for a drink or do my Christmas shopping, I go to Arras.

I got new production lines at Häagen-Dazs, I got a new factory at Céréalia in Saint-Laurent-Blangy. I am fighting to save the endive industry.

Agnès Pannier-Runacher, candidate in the 2nd of Pas-de-Calais

Not considering herself parachuted but “on a territory I fought for, I got new production lines in HäagenDazs, I got a new factory at Céréalia in Saint-Laurent-Blangy. I am fighting to save the endive industry“, the candidate expressed, in the event of non-qualification for the second round that “in relation to that my commitment against the RN is known. These will be my convictions and my strengths. I want to be a strong voice for the Arrageois. I am here to support this program which does not promise false things but which wants our country to be stronger at a time when geopolitical tensions and climate change must lead us to better protect the French..”

Nicolas Desfachelle, mayor of Saint-Laurent-Blangy, SE candidate with the mayor of Dainville, Françoise Rossignol, as deputy, wonders: “I don’t understand the meaning of his approach. Whether we want to get involved is one thing. It is called Lensoise, parachuting for parachuting, an application for Hénin-Beaumont [face à Marine Le Pen, NDLR] would have made more sense, right?“, asks the mayor.

Between the two candidacies, Arthur Blouin, Youth referent with Macron in Pas-de-Calais who resigned, preferred to choose a candidacy “of territory“, that “people who know the people here” and who is “common sense against the extreme right“, that of Nicolas Desfachelle – Françoise Rossignol, for whom he will campaign.

Just like Frédéric Leturque, mayor of Arras, and whose vice-presidents for the urban community are the two running mates, first councilors of Saint-Laurent-Blangy and Dainville.

In the event of non-qualification for the second round, Nicolas Desfachelle will announce who he will vote for, a Republican vote. Moreover, Alban Heuzèle, opposition municipal councilor in Arras for the RN and the ecologist regional councilor Alexandre Cousin for the New Popular Front are also candidates.

In the European elections, the RN came first in the constituency with 36% of the votes.



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