Legislative elections 2024: Emmanuelle Leveugle will be the Popular Front candidate in the 10th constituency of Pas-de-Calais

Legislative elections 2024: Emmanuelle Leveugle will be the Popular Front candidate in the 10th constituency of Pas-de-Calais
Legislative elections 2024: Emmanuelle Leveugle will be the Popular Front candidate in the 10th constituency of Pas-de-Calais

VSis now announced. Faced with the outgoing National Rally (RN) deputy Thierry Frappé, it is Emmanuelle Leveugle who will have the task of winning the left in the 2024 legislative elections in the tenth constituency of Pas-de-Calais. His candidacy was made official on June 15. As a reminder, candidates have until June 16 to officially declare themselves.

A perfect candidate?

A teacher by profession, Emmanuelle Leveugle is not unknown locally. President of the Eden 62 joint union, commissioned by the Pas-de-Calais department to maintain and develop sensitive natural spaces, she is also a municipal councilor in Beuvry, where she has been elected since 2001, and deputy to the mayor, Nadine Lefebvre . In the town, she takes care of the poetry house. She has been campaigning on the left for 25 years now.

Emmanuelle Leveugle is deputy mayor in Beuvry, departmental councilor and president of Eden 62.

This is good news and a very good application. She is the perfect candidate with values ​​and experience », rejoices Thierry Coulombel, first federal secretary of the Socialist Party. Which lifts the veil behind the scenes of this inauguration. “ We only learned Thursday evening that the 10th constituency was returning to the PS as part of the New Popular Front national agreement. It was a half-surprise, because the last time, in 2022, it was La France insoumise (LFI) which presented a candidate. In addition, we had the obligation to find a female candidate, which reduced the possibilities. »

“I know the battle is going to be difficult”

According to Thierry Coulombel, the choice was not easy. “Emmanuelle’s first instinct was to decline because Beuvry seemed a little eccentric in the constituency. The national authorities offered to bring in someone from outside. But above all we wanted to avoid a parachute drop, like in 2022 with a candidate from Oise. Emmanuelle then decided to take up the challenge. »

I have political convictions to defend even if I know the battle is going to be difficult », Explained Emmanuelle Leveugle, reached by telephone. Her substitute is none other than Émeline Delplanque, LFI opposition representative in Divion.



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