Dordogne: mobile phone while driving, belt unfastened, the gendarmes report laxity on the roads

Dordogne: mobile phone while driving, belt unfastened, the gendarmes report laxity on the roads
Dordogne: mobile phone while driving, belt unfastened, the gendarmes report laxity on the roads

It is on the departmental roads that the deaths are the most numerous in Dordogne. Since the start of 2024, 13 people lost their lives. The same trio of risk factors are always involved: speed, alcohol and drugs. These behaviors are responsible for half of fatal accidents. But new worrying factors are emerging: the absence of wearing a seat belt and the use of the telephone.

Fewer, but more dangerous accidents

With 66 accidents on our roads, or 7 fewer than last year, the results as of June 14, 2024 could a priori be positive. But these figures are falsely reassuring, because the number of seriously injured is not decreasing, on the contrary. In six months, Dordogne hospitals have seen around sixty seriously injured motorists pass through, i.e. 22% more than in 2023 at the same period. The main victims are over 50 years old. On the other hand, the e number of impacts on two wheels remains constant.

“Behavior that we hoped we would no longer see”

The prefecture’s chief of staff, Marin Lassalle, present for a road check operation in Sarliac-sur-l’Isle, deplores new risky behaviors. The first: telephone use. This source of distraction is becoming commonplace and concerns among drivers of all ages. “853 offenses were noted compared to 489 last year during the same period.”

More surprising this time, the police noted neglect in the use of seat belts. “This is behavior that we hoped we would no longer see” , deplores Marin Lassalle. As a reminder, the belt has become obligatory at the front in 1973. A generalized measure at the rear in 1990.

The prefecture indicates that it will deploy 125,000 euros in road prevention as part of the Departmental Road Safety Action Plan (PDASR) this year. “it’s 30% more than last year”



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