the Haute-Marne cup finals in Langres

the Haute-Marne cup finals in Langres
the Haute-Marne cup finals in Langres

This weekend, the Haute-Marne cup finals are taking place. With, as a result, some great fights between the clubs of the department, all represented, via the game of agreements. The senior finals take place on Saturday evening: Chevillon/Pont-Varin for the boys and Langres for the girls will start as favorites.

The Haute-Marne cup finals take place on Saturday June 15 and Sunday June 16, at the Grand-Sud gymnasium, in Langres. After Wassy, ​​last year, ten finals will follow one another at a good pace, with seven matches to be played on Saturday, with the seniors as the highlight. With the game of agreements, all the clubs (around ten) are represented in the Cité-Etoile.

For the former president of the departmental committee, Jean-Louis Dugravot, who gave way to Nicolas Georges, to take the presidency of the Grand Est League on June 29, several categories have ready-made favorites. “It’s a great party and I hope we will have people around the pitch. I hope everything goes well. It’s the last of the season, before the championships resume in mid-September”explains the person concerned, who will therefore direct his last Haute-Marne cup finals.

A priori, the senior finals should be one-way. “Chevillon/Pont-Varin moves up to the Prenational and Langres, among the girls, had a good championship, with a place in the middle of the table, in the Prenational”, continues Jean-Louis Dugravot. The opponents, Val de Meuse, for boys, and Montier-en-Der, for girls, should suffer against the two holders of the Haute-Marne cup.

Hooked encounters

Knowing that in the event of a lower level, there will be a bonus goal every five achievements. “The finals -18 years girls, Pont-Varin/Chevillon against Langres/Chalindrey, -15 years girls, Chevillon/Froncles against Chevillon/Pont-Varin, and, in -13 years boys, between Langres and Chevillon/Pont-Varin , and also -11 year old girls, where there was no championship, look rather close. »

In boys’ under-15s, the final between Chaumont and Froncles looks a priori unbalanced, Froncles being favorite, third in its group in the region (Excellence) and Chaumont playing in Interdepartmental. Other finals also have their favorite found through the game of divisions or direct confrontations. “I give an advantage to Montier against Joinville, in -11 year old boys, in Langres, in -13 year old boys, in Chaumont/Froncles, in girls, in -13 and -15 year olds. And in Chaumont, in under-18 boys. Afterwards, there can always be surprises”concludes Jean-Louis Dugravot, who will manage this competition one last time, before moving on to a new challenge.

Nicolas Chapon

[email protected]

The finals program

Saturday June 15
10 a.m.: -11 years old boys: Montier-en-Der – Joinville
11:30 a.m.: -11 years girls: Val de Meuse – Chevillon
1 p.m.: -13 years old boys: Langres – Chevillon/Pont-Varin
3 p.m.: -13 years old girls: Chaumont/Froncles – Val de Meuse/Chalindrey/Nogent/Langres
5 p.m.: -15 years girls: Chaumont/Froncles – Chevillon/Pont-Varin
7 p.m.: +16 years girls: Langres – Val de Meuse
9 p.m.: +16 years boys: Chevillon/Pont-Varin – Val de Meuse

Sunday June 16
10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.: U7/U9 tray
1 p.m.: -15 years boys: Froncles – Chaumont
3 p.m.: -18 years old women: Pont-Varin/Chevillon – Langres Chalindrey
5 p.m.: -18 years old boys: Chaumont – Langres
*Free entry, refreshment bar and catering on site



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