Legislative elections 2024: the candidates of the New Popular Front in the five constituencies of Côte-d’Or

“There will not be a leader” for the New Popular Front, “there are different incarnations”, explained this Friday June 14 on France Inter, the Place publique MEP Raphaël Glucksmann, But one thing is certain according to him : in the event of victory in the early legislative elections, the left-wing candidate for Matignon “will not be Jean-Luc Mélenchon”. While awaiting the details of the agreement reached between the different components of the New Popular Front and its program, we have known since this Friday morning the distribution of its candidates in the constituencies of Côte-d’Or.

The sharing of constituencies between the different components of the New Popular Front

In this sharing, two candidates P.S. will present themselves in Côte-d’Or. This is’Océane Godard on the premiere constituency and Pierre Pribetich on third.

A candidate Europe Ecology the Greens inherits the second constituency. It is Catherine Hervieu and David Camus will be his substitute.

LFI will run for a deputy seat in the fourth constituency. The party is represented by Valérie Jacques.

THE PCF will campaign in the fifth constituency. The name of the candidate has not yet been confirmed.

The five constituencies of Côte-d’Or © Radio France


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