the majority of Anne Hidalgo in Paris in difficulty with the negotiations of the left

Emmanuel Grégoire, first deputy mayor of Paris and Anne Hidalgo, in Paris, November 22, 2023. LIONEL PRÉAU / RIVA PRESS

The New Popular Front is established, but is it immediately applicable in Paris? For the moment, nothing is certain. Friday June 14 in the morning, Anne Hidalgo had still not officially expressed her desire, or not, to participate in the New Popular Front.

The situation in 7e constituency – it includes part of Paris Center, 11e and 12e arrondissements – is symptomatic of the confusion and tensions on the left. In a tweet posted on Wednesday June 12, Clément Beaune, outgoing MP (Renaissance) and candidate for re-election in this constituency, summarizes, in his own way, the situation: “Anne Hidalgo’s management of Paris is so exemplary that two elected officials from her team are vying for a place against me in the legislative elections. » In 2022, the former minister of transport was narrowly elected (50.73% of the vote) against a candidate from La France insoumise (LFI).

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Indeed, while the staffs of the left parties were negotiating the New Popular Front for the early legislative elections of June 30 and July 7, Emmanuel Grégoire and Lamia El Aaraje, both members of the Socialist Party (PS), a few hours apart, announced their candidacy in the same constituency, which should, this time, go to the PS.

Emmanuel Grégoire is Anne Hidalgo’s first deputy and a declared candidate for her succession in 2026. In the legislative elections, he wants to run under the banner of the New Popular Front, because, “faced with the danger of a far-right government, a start is imperative”, he believes, in a press release. He benefits from the implicit support of Olivier Faure, first secretary of the PS.

Particularly tense relationships

For her part, Lamia El Aaraje, deputy at Paris City Hall in charge of universal accessibility and people with disabilities, benefits from the implicit support of Anne Hidalgo, to whom she is very close. Also putative candidate for Paris City Hall, and not at all favorable, like Mme Hidalgo, in an alliance with LFI, sent a message to the members of the federal office of the PS: “I decided to be a candidate in the heart of Paris against Clément Beaune and those who caused chaos in the country. I take my responsibilities (…) to lead this decisive campaign. »

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Elected on the 20the district, Mme El Aaraje is the former member of the 15e constituency of the capital, where she was beaten, as a dissident socialist from Nupes, by the “rebellious” Danielle Simonnet during the 2022 legislative elections. This duel between two eminent members of the Parisian executive is also a resurgence of the opposition between Anne Hidalgo and Olivier Faure, which has its origins in the last presidential campaign (1.75% for Anne Hidalgo). Always on opposing sides, Olivier Faure is one of the architects of the New Popular Front, while Anne Hidalgo still loathes “rebellious” populism.

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