A Spectacul’art singer victim of a syringe injection after a show in Orange

A Spectacul’art singer victim of a syringe injection after a show in Orange
A Spectacul’art singer victim of a syringe injection after a show in Orange

A chorister member of the Spectacul’art choir filed a complaint after the tribute show to Florent Pagny on Friday June 7 at the ancient theater in Orange. Spectacul’art is this choir which brings together more than 2,500 singing enthusiasts, around an orchestra, to cover big names in song on stages throughout France.

But several singers say they have been victims of harassment, threats and attacks for months from other members of the choir. A petition was launched on the internet. And this Saturday, June 8, a singer filed a complaint for an attack at the end of the show at the ancient theater in Orange.

A syringe stuck in the right hip

In her testimony, she explains that when the hundreds of singers were in the process of joining the dressing rooms, another singer pointed out to her that she had a syringe stuck in the right hip.

She then alerted the emergency services, who went to the scene. The firefighters removed the syringe, which is still Analyzing in a forensic laboratory.

Suspicions of revenge

This chorister also had the facts noted by a doctor at the Orange hospital the next morning, and filed a complaint at the police station of the same city. The complaint was filed “against X” but she says she suspects an act of revenge on the part of other members of the choir.

The petition notably mentions “harassment of a group of choristers” which lasts “Since six months” and lists “serious allegations: introduction of medication into a water bottle during a concert, damage to stage clothing, spraying of tear gas and inappropriate comments of a sexual nature as well as an attempt at intimidation during choir events”.

Five exclusions already pronounced

The founding president of Spectacul’art assures that “the security of [se]”members is a priority”. He also indicates having already taken several measures as a resultof which “five exclusions pronounced since November”one of the five excluded people being the originator of the petition. “We let justice take its course”he specifies.



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