“He can give impetus”, Gabriel Attal campaigning in Pas-de-Calais

“He can give impetus”, Gabriel Attal campaigning in Pas-de-Calais
“He can give impetus”, Gabriel Attal campaigning in Pas-de-Calais

The Prime Minister continues to travel. Gabriel Attal was in Pas-de-Calais on Thursday to campaign with several candidates, in a department where the RN gathered 42% of the vote during Sunday’s European elections.

Gabriel Attal in the campaign. The Prime Minister was in Pas-de-Calais on Thursday to support several candidates of the presidential majority and appear as the leader of the party for the legislative elections which will be held on June 30 and July 7.

In Boulogne-sur-Mer, where the National Rally obtained 42% of the vote in Sunday’s European elections, Gabriel Attal was questioned about the rise of the far right. “We are really seeing a rise in the far right and it has really become a form of trend. It’s quite complicated,” asks a young person who asked him for a selfie.

“The challenge is to be able to go through the same channels as them to show who they really are because otherwise for young people, they look funny, they seem nice,” retorts the Prime Minister.

Since his appointment in January, Gabriel Attal has visited this department affected by flooding this winter several times. Very quickly, he is caught up with very concrete questions, on the employment of seniors, purchasing power or even the floods which have affected the region. The Prime Minister responds, sometimes without convincing.

Boulonnais not very convinced

At the end of this exchange, the Boulonnais are divided. Even if one of them sees in this “young Prime Minister” someone “who can give new impetus, a dynamic to this campaign”, the majority is pessimistic. “I see that he has good energy, on the other hand I don’t like Macron’s politics, that’s all,” explains a Boulonnais man.

“For me the die is a bit cast, all the good will risks not changing the voters,” argues a resident of Boulogne-sur-Mer.

On the unpopularity of the President, Gabriel Attal responds: “You know, these elections are not a referendum for or against the government, it is a choice of who you want in the government and today you have three blocs . You have Jordan Bardella, you have Jean-Luc Mélenchon and you have my apple.”

To continue trying to convince, Gabriel Attal will make a series of trips. He is going to Nantes this Friday.

Romain Cluzel (with TRC)

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