In Laval, he helped illegal foreigners to work by lending them his identity

In Laval, he helped illegal foreigners to work by lending them his identity
In Laval, he helped illegal foreigners to work by lending them his identity

A 26-year-old Guinean was summoned before the judicial court of Laval (Mayenne) this Thursday, June 13, 2024. Justice accuses him of having assisted in the illegal stay of three foreigners since he used his residence permit to s Register with temp agencies in Laval and entrust them with the assignments you have received. The events lasted a year and a half, between 2020 and 2022.

He paid the salaries he received to his compatriots who did not have the right to work without a residence permit. The court notes that the amounts transferred were not entirely equivalent to the salaries received. The defendant assures him: “I didn’t keep any money for myself. » He explains that he was giving part in cash but he has no proof. “There was no enrichment”adds his lawyer.

The defendant says he wanted to help them. “I regret very much, I didn’t know it was forbidden. » Arriving in France in 2013, the defendant himself works in temporary work. He had to pay taxes on all wages paid into his bank account.

Sentenced to four months in prison

“Is this Cédric Herrou from Mayenne? » asks the prosecutor. The magistrate refers to this farmer from the Roya valley who was prosecuted for having transported migrants from Italy and organized a reception camp in 2016. The activist was released in the name of the “principle of fraternity”. For this to apply, the aid must be provided “without compensation” and “for an exclusively humanitarian purpose”.

In the present case, the prosecutor considers that the second condition was not met. The court is of the same opinion. Noting that its “bank accounts do not demonstrate a humanitarian motive”he sentenced the defendant to four months in prison.



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