This recycling center in Seine-et-Marne will close its doors for several months, here’s why

This recycling center in Seine-et-Marne will close its doors for several months, here’s why
This recycling center in Seine-et-Marne will close its doors for several months, here’s why


William Lacaille

Published on

June 13, 2024 at 7:05 p.m.

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If it’s a central element in the waste management has Melun Val de Seinethe Vaux-le-Pénil recycling center (Seine-et-Marne) will be forced to close its doors from June 15. A cessation of activity until 2025 which is related to a project for a new sorting center. Smitom-Lombric tells us about it in detail.

A 31 million euro project

It’s going to be a large-scale shutdown of the recycling center, but it is in favor of a project which is just as important. In fact, Smitom-Lombric has planned the creation a new sorting center on the site of the bulky waste sorting platform and the current recycling center.

“A recycling center more spacious will be erected just in fronton rue du Tertre de Chérisy, in order to better meet the needs of those administered and of value more waste that will be deposited there,” they say. A ambitious plan which is launched and which imposes a extended closure until “early 2025”.

But what does this new sorting center project include? “Sivom de la Vallée de l’Yerres et des Sénarts, Sytradem and Smitom-Lombric have joined together in order to pool their resources And SKILLS, also allowing a optimization waste management while responding to current environmental challenges,” announces the union.

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Concretely, this induces a investment to the height of 31.3 million euros with the aim of erecting a new sorting system which will then be able to absorb 36 tonnes of waste per year. “The work is currently beginning, for a commissioning planned in November 2025“, specifies Smitom-Lombric.

The objective of this new sorting center will then be to achieve increased performance in matters of sorting of packaging and adapt to new regulations in force.

This cutting-edge equipment will significantly improve sorting performance at a controlled cost.


Where to deposit your waste?

These investments are consequential for the project and Smitom-Lombric then specifies: “The financing of this project is made possible thanks to the support of CITEOeco-organization in charge of household packaging, and Region Ile-de-France. »

A financial partnership which reinforces support for “initiatives promoting sustainable development” and “reduction of environmental impacts“.

However, despite these long months of closure, the promise is made to subsequently have an optimization of waste sorting to better recover and recycle them, a facilitated circulation, A reinforcement of the security concerning emptying into skips as well as a focus on reuse.

In order to compensate for the closure of the Vaux-le-Pénil recycling center, several other sites are accessible. ©Smitom-Lombric

In the meantime, the Smitom-Lombric that there will be “ no impact on the daily life of residents ” during this period. It must nevertheless be clarified that the other recycling centers will be mobilized to absorb the waste stream that will be redirected because of this forced pause.

“During this period, we invite you to visit the other recycling centers in our territory, in particular the recycling center Savigny-le-Temple, whose hours will be extended throughout the duration of the work,” they insist.

To find open recycling centers, see the table below. To find out more, go to

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