Moselle: two teenagers arrested for false bomb threats in their high school

Moselle: two teenagers arrested for false bomb threats in their high school
Moselle: two teenagers arrested for false bomb threats in their high school

Monday June 10, two minors aged 14 were arrested in Moselle.

They are suspected of being the authors of numerous bomb threats in their high school located in the town of Fameck.

They will be judged on October 8, 2024 for these facts.

After several weeks of investigations, law enforcement identified the suspects. Monday June 10, the national gendarmerie arrested two minors aged 14, suspected of being the authors of false bomb threats sent during the first half of 2024 to students at the Saint-Exupéry high school in Fameck (Moselle). ), systematically leading to evacuations in order to remove doubts.

“These two teenagers used an Instagram account to contact students at the high school and announce false bomb threats. Although the perpetrators used anonymization tools, such as VPNs, and had good computer skills, the section of research from Metz and the departmental gendarmerie company from Thionville were able to trace the origin of the messages. The investigations revealed that they were students attending the high school. explains Brice Partouche, public prosecutor of Thionville, in a press release.

The suspects face up to 3 years of imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros.

The two minors were presented on Tuesday June 11 to a public prosecutor and then to the children’s judge. They will be judged on October 8, 2024 on charges of “disclosure of false information so as to make people believe in dangerous destruction”, and “death threats” committed between April 19 and May 14. The penalties incurred are 3 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros.

“While awaiting the judgment, the two minors are required to respect a curfew measure from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. and to carry out a reparation measure entrusted to the judicial protection of youth (PJJ)”specifies the magistrate.

  • Read also

    False bomb threats are increasing: what risk do the perpetrators of these facts risk?

Damage of 20,000 euros for the police

The national gendarmerie estimated its damage at 20,000 euros, including evacuation costs, the intervention of law enforcement, deminers and their dogs.

“During this period of examinations, it is recalled and emphasized that all false alarms will give rise to systematic investigations using all the advanced digital techniques available to judicial police officers”underlines Brice Partouche.

Aurélie SARROT



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