They poached at night in the Lot: one received a prison sentence, the other a suspended sentence

They poached at night in the Lot: one received a prison sentence, the other a suspended sentence
They poached at night in the Lot: one received a prison sentence, the other a suspended sentence

On May 24, two men were tried before the Cahors court for poaching between July 1 and December 19, 2023, in different municipalities in the territory. They were accused of hunting at night without any authorization whatsoever.

Read also :
They poach in a car at night using searchlights and sometimes kill for pleasure.

Several charges targeted the two defendants. Namely: unauthorized hunting in night meetings with use of a vehicle and carrying a weapon; transport without legitimate reason of weapons, ammunition or their category elements; possession without declaration of weapons, ammunition or their category c components; transport of game killed using prohibited equipment or instruments; transport of dead game subject to the unmarked or unidentified hunting plan; hunting without a mandatory individual hunting plan; as well as search and pursuit of game using a light source without authorization (this last count concerns only one of the two defendants).

Prison and suspended sentence

The deliberation of this case was delivered this Thursday. The court found several nullities concerning three counts: transport of game killed using prohibited equipment or instruments, transport of dead game subject to the unmarked or unidentified hunting plan, hunting without a compulsory individual hunting plan . The two defendants were therefore acquitted of these facts.

For the rest, the court found them guilty. Guillaume B. is sentenced to four months in prison as well as two fines of 100 euros each. Owen P. was sentenced to six months in prison with a simple suspended sentence and a single fine of 100 euros. The two defendants are prohibited from carrying a weapon for five years, their hunting license has been withdrawn and they will not be able to obtain it for three years for one and five years for the other. The civil party constitutions of the Lot hunting federation and the Aspas association were deemed admissible. The first will receive 1,300 euros in damages, and the second 900 euros.



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