National 2. Valentin Guichard ultimately remains coach of Jura Sud

National 2. Valentin Guichard ultimately remains coach of Jura Sud
National 2. Valentin Guichard ultimately remains coach of Jura Sud


Valentin Machard

Published on

June 11, 2024 at 7:19 p.m.

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A fourth season on the Jura bank in sight for the 33-year-old technician. However, its future has given rise to much speculation. Valentin Guichardthe coach of Jura South in National 2has decided to sign an additional season with the Chassal-Molinges club.

It’s certain Facebook that Jura Sud announced, Monday June 10, 2024 in the evening, the extension of Valentin Guichard: “We are happy to announce that our N2 coach Valentin GUICHARD will continue the adventure within Jura Sud Foot next season. »

“After 3 years spent on the bench punctuated by superb results including a final season finishing in 4th place, it is with great pleasure that we continue the adventure together. We wish him and all of his staff the same success for next season,” the club continues in its publication.

Jura Sud preferred over SC Toulou, Bourges or Thonon Évian Grand Genève FC?

Many saw Valentin Guichard on the departure after three great successful seasons for Jura Sud. In recent weeks, Valentin Guichard has been successively in discussions to join the SC Toulon (N2), AS Furiani (N2), the Football Bourges 18 (N2) and Thonon Évian Grand Genève FC (just relegated to National 3).

It now remains to be seen what the sports project of the coach and his team. After a cut-throat season, the 2024-2025 season should be even tougher and more competitive with only three chickens in National 2 (compared to four currently).

What sporting project for the club?

At the end of April, Valentin Guichard declared in our columns that he considered the maintenance obtained as a ” promotion ” : “The level is going to be much higher than what it was. It’s going to be National 2 plus, plus. » A situation which will force Jura Sud to give itself more resources to stay in the race, the Jura coach then called for:

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“I think there will be a real reflection on the organization of the club. Because traveling by minibus, further and further away, is more and more complicated. I think it will also be a season where the club will have to become even more professional. »

This professionalization of the club desired by Valentin Guichard played a role in the negotiations for the extension of the young coach’s lease? Unfortunately, Voice of Jura was unable to contact Valentin Guichard or the leaders of Jura Sud Football before the publication of this article.

There priority of the club and Valentin Guichard, just renewed, will surely be the start of the summer transfer window and the recruitment of new players, which is also starting quickly and promises many twists and turns.

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