Mobilization for blood collection

Saint-Mexant. Great mobilization for the blood collection. The French Blood Establishment (EFS) and the municipality of Saint-Mexant set up a new collection day, which took place in the village hall, in the presence of Doctor Nicolas Bosse Platière.

The sampling teams were mobilized and at reception, Jean-Bernard Estrade, Christian Bouillaguet and Anne-Marie Trarieux, volunteers, reminded people of the precautions to take.

Thirty-four donors, including four new ones, performed this act of generosity. Especially since the needs of patients for blood products remain constant and significant in the department. “Knowing that today there is no product capable of completely replacing human blood, donation therefore remains irreplaceable and essential to save lives.” A snack was offered to all donors.


The next collection. Tuesday February 18, from 3:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., in the village hall.



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